bay leaf for bunions

How to Get Rid of Bunions with Bay Leaves Pain Relief and Healing

Bunions are painful bony bumps just near the big toe joint on sides of the feet. This protrusion causes misalignment of the big toe making walking and standing difficult. Genetics, arthritis and wrong fitting shoes are some of the causes of bunions.

A foot specialist or podiatrist may suggest surgery for an advanced state of bunion. But, in most cases you don't really have to go for such drastic treatment.

Generally bunions can be treated with home remedies like bay leaf tea, massage and changing to more comfortable shoes.

Table of Contents

How Does Bay Leaf Tea Treat Bunions?

Bayleaf is packed with nutrients with healthy doses of Vitamin A and C calcium magnesium potassium magnesium and Iron. It eases joint pain caused by bunions, gout and arthritis by reducing inflammation.

Bunions are bumps formed on the joint at the base of your big toe. You may encounter the following symptoms.

  • Bony bump on the outside of the base of your big toe
  • Redness, soreness and swelling around the big toe joint
  • Pain which can be intermittent or even persistent
  • Restriction in the big toe movement.


There are many reasons that can cause bunions. One of the fire causes is inheritance. Foot injury due to tight shoes and high heels is another big cause. In addition certain types of arthritis can cause and worsen the condition.

Most bunions can be healed and pain relieved with natural remedies like bay leaf. Sometimes surgical intervention becomes necessary.

How to Use Bay Leaf Tea for Bunions

1. Drink Bay Leaf Tea

How to prepare bay leaf tea for bunions?

  • Crush several bay leaves
  • Store it an airtight glass jar
  • Pour 300ml water in a saucepan and add 1 tablespoon of stored crushed bay leaf
  • Put the water to boil and steep for 5 minutes
  • Take the saucepan off the burner to let it cool to palatable temperatures
  • Pour the tea in a thermos and leave it overnight night.

How to Use Bay Leaf Tea?

  • Strain about 50 ml of bayleaf tea from thermos in the morning and sip slowly
  • Do it 5-6 times a day to finish the tea in thermos.
  • Throw the strained bay leaf powder and clean the thermos.
  • Make the new tea for the next day
  • Repeat the cycle for 3 days
  • Take a 10 days break
  • Repeat the 3 day taking the tea and 10 day break cycle for two months

What to expect?

Since bayleaf is diuretic, you will have frequent urination. This also means that the remedy is working.

In addition to bay leaf tea if you also do the following topical treatments, then not only will you get pain relief but your bunions will be gone within 2 months.

Topical Natural Remedies for Bunions Along with Bay Leaf Tea

2. Massage with Oil

Oil massage works well to heal bunions fast. Coconut oil is good.

  • Wash your feet with water and dab them dry with a towel
  • Take 1 teaspoon of coconut oil on and gently massage for 10 minutes
  • Massage the line that forms between the big toe and the next toe
  • Do it 2-3 times daily


3. Soak Your Feet in Epsom Salt

Epsom salt is a magnesium sulphate compound which has been used for pain relief and healing for thousands of years. It is a good remedy for gout and bunions.

  • Fill a foot bath tub with warm water
  • Add ½ cup Epsom salt and mix well
  • Sit on a comfortable chair and soak your feet in Epsom salt water
  • Remove your feet after 30-60 minutes
  • Wash with plain warm water and dab them dry

4. Apply Bay Leaf Topically

  • Crush 5-6 bay leaves
  • Add 100 ml of 96% rubbing Alcohol and seal the container
  • Keep it for a week before use
  • Take ½ teaspoon mix and massage daily. The mix may last 4-5 days
  • Prepare the mix in advance for further use as it takes a week.

Other Tips and Precautions

  • Check it out with your doctor for guidance.Bay leaf tea is a diuretic so it may interact with other medicines.
  • Maintain healthy weight to prevent worsening the case.
  • Take Vitamin A, C and D rich foods and supplements to improve your bone strength
  • Change your shoes to open toes and more comfortable shoes. Wear floaters when shoes are not required.