reduce belly fat almonds

Almonds for Belly Fat Reduction and Weight Loss

Most tree nuts including Almonds are highly nutritious snack foods. You can replace your high carb snacks with almonds to not only reduce belly fat but also improve your overall cardiovascular health and get many other health benefits.

The fat around your stomach is one of the main causes of heart disease. It is the most stubborn accumulation that may be difficult to remove. Researchers have found that if you eat nuts instead of white bread and other high carb foods and maintain your intake calories the same then you will lose belly fat. However the research doesn't indicate any weight loss.


How Much Almonds to Consume?

almonds for belly fat infographic

You really do not need to consume too many almonds to get the required benefits of fat reduction around your stomach. Handful (about 50 grams) per day are enough to reap the benefits.

Do not overdo it as Almonds are high calorie items. Eating more calories than required can cause weight gain.

A study published in JAHA ( Journal of the American Heart Association) in January 2015 indicates that eating 1.5 ounces of Almonds daily in place of the same calories of high carb snacks can reduce LDL and abdominal fat. These findings are very significant as both LDL and high belly fat are major risk factors in development of heart diseases.


Can Almonds Help in Weight Loss?

The same research didn't show any weight loss in the 48;people during the 12 weeks period of the randomized study.

They have taken men and women between the age of 30 to 65 years with a BMI of 20 to 35 kg per square metre. The people chosen were free of any chronic illnesses and didn't consume tobacco in any form.

Contrary to popular belief the outcome of the study didn't reveal almonds helping in any weight loss. However, the belly fat reduction certainly was a major breakthrough.

So irrespective of whether almonds help in weight loss or not, you should consume 1.5 ounces daily to reduce that stubborn belly fat.

How Difficult is to Remove Fat Around Your Stomach?

There are two types of fats in your body. The soft fat or subcutaneous live right under your skin. The hard fat or visceral is located deep in your abdomen.

You lose both type of fats in your body when your calorie intake is less than the calorie burn.

The belly fat burns first as it is close to organs to compensate for the deficit of calories.

So adjusting your diet and adding regular exercises to your daily routine can help you reduce your belly fat.

Add Almonds, Walnuts and other tree nuts) to deal with your belly fat. Eat a more fiber rich diet and ensure total calorie content is within the limits of healthy living.

Almonds Nutrients

Almonds have a great nutritional profile and its proper use can help you to reduce your belly fat faster. It is a high calories food so you it less to feel full fast.

  • Proteins - One and half ounces of Almonds contain 15-20% of your daily requirements of proteins. An average healthy person requires about 54 grams of protein daily.
  • Fat - 1 ½ ounce of almonds contain about 21 grams of fat that is roughly 33% of your daily requirements. Most fat here is healthy monounsaturated that is why lose belly fat when you replace your high carb snacks with the nuts
  • Fiber - Almonds are fiber rich. One and half ounces of the nut contain about 20% of your daily fiber requirements. Various studies have shown benefits of fiber rich diet in weight loss and belly fat reduction.

Tips and Other Considerations

Although almonds and other nuts help in belly fat reduction, you have to consume them in limits as they are high in calories.

  1. Do not eat more than 50 grams of almonds daily
  2. Soak them overnight, remove the brown skin in the morning and eat.
  3. Eat only the white part of Almonds as the brown skin contains tannins which interfere in nutrient absorption.
  4. Use other methods of belly fat reduction and weight loss simultaneously to get faster results

Belly fat reduction is a tough job for most but with Almonds and other diet controls you can lower your abdominal circumference to become healthier.