How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Plantar Warts

Plantar warts are small growth in the sole of your feet. They can be painful as they are located on the pressure area of your feet. This pressure also causes plantar warts to get pushed inside the skin (callus).

Like most other warts, plantar warts are also caused by the infection of human papillomavirus (HPV).

The virus infects only the superficial layer of skin leading to thick growth. Plantar wart are non life threatening harmless growth that disappears on its own within a couple of years. You can get rid of plantar warts with apple cider vinegar and many other home remedies quickly.

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How does Apple Cider Vinegar Heals Plantar Warts?

Vinegar has been used as popular home remedy for many health conditions including skin and hair from ancient time.

ACV continues to get used to treat many such conditions. Scientific researches have also proved its usefulness in many such conditions.

There is no scientific research public domain yet to prove the ability of apple cider vinegar to get rid of plantar warts. Sooner or later research will be done.

For now, it is just a folk medicine that works to treat plantar warts.

Following are some logical views on its effectiveness

  • Apple cider vinegar is acidic in nature(it contains 4-6% acetic acid) to kill bacteria and fungi.
  • Its functioning is considered similar to scientifically proven salicylic acid which dissolves the infected skin remove all types of warts


How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar to Get Rid of Plantar Warts

Getting rid of plantar warts with apple cider vinegar is a simple repetitive process as under:

What you need:

  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Water
  • Petroleum jelly
  • Cotton ball
  • Band aid
  • Surgical bandage

How to apply:

Do the following before going to the bed daily until the wart falls off.

  • Wash and clean the wart and skin around it with warm water and dab it dry with cotton
  • Apply petroleum jelly on the skin around the wart. Don't apply on the wart.
  • Dilute 10 drops of apple cider vinegar with 5 drops of water and mix well
  • Apply acv in the wart with cotton ball
  • Apply band aid on wart
  • Wrap it with surgical bandage to keep it firm.

Some people use duct tape instead of bandages. This stops the complete oxygen supply to the warts to get rid of them fast.

Modern Treatments Other than Apple Cider Vinegar to Remove Warts

  • Salicylic acid - Salicylic acid is one of the most prescribed treatments for warts. It slowly dissolve s the infected skin ultimately getting rid if the wart completely.
  • Surgical removal -Surgical removal is another common treatment remove warts quickly.
  • Laser removal -Lasers are also used for removal of warts
  • Cryotherapy - Cryotherapy is also getting popular to remove warts by freezing them off.

In general modern treatment of all kinds of warts is expensive. It sometimes requires multiple treatments to remove warts. Warts also have a tendency to come back.

Keeping all these cost aspects as well as knowing that warts are benign and may go away on their own, apple cider vinegar appears to be a safe, inexpensive and effective treatment to get rid of plantar warts.

You can go for it!

If it doesn't work and plantar warts give you more pain then consult a doctor.

Other Tips and Precautions

Apple cider vinegar is acidic in nature, so potentially it can burn your skin. Take following precautions to get best results without getting burns.

  • Dilute apple cider vinegar with water before using it on plantar warts if direct application gives burning sensation and pain.
  • Use acv on warts on your feet and hands.
  • Don't use it on genital warts as it can burn sensitive skin. Also the strain of HPV in genital warts is different than plantar wart
  • Don't apply apple cider vinegar to open wounds.

Bottomline is that plantar warts are harmless growth of your skin on the soles of feet. They can go away on their own, modern treatment is expensive and apple cider vinegar works well to get rid of them fast.