coconut oil for constipation

3 Ways to Use Coconut Oil for Constipation

Constipation is inevitable if you lead a sedentary lifestyle, don't take fibre rich food and drink less water.

Other factors influencing constipation are certain medications, irritable bowel syndrome, overuse of laxatives, hormonal changes and even travelling.

Sometimes constipation may go on its own other times a few lifestyle changes such as eating more fruits and vegetables and doing regular exercises may improve bowel movements.

But, not always!

Occasionally you will have to treat your constipation with medication or natural remedies like coconut oil to pass the stools.

Let us understand it in detail.

Table of Contents

Why Coconut Oil Cures Constipation?

There is a lot of debate on whether coconut oil cures constipation or causes constipation?

The fact is, it cures.

Let us look at some of the main reasons behind its ability to help you to poop with ease.

Medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs) in coconut oil boost metabolism and stimulate your bowel movements
It acts as a laxative

There is not enough scientific evidence to prove it or disprove it about its usefulness for constipation relief because of lack of research.

Well, it has been used as laxative for thousands of years and most people have found that it works to soften the stools and past them easily.

So next time when you are constipated try this out.


How to Use Coconut Oil for Constipation?

Coconut oil is a highly commercial product now as it is being used for various purposes including hair care and skin care. There is a large variety to choose from.

Therefore, it is very important that you use the right kind of coconut oil for stimulating your bowel movements.

Do not buy refined and scented coconut oil as most of the nutrients are lost in the refining process.

You need organic virgin coconut oil for constipation relief.

Here are a few different ways that help.

1. Organic Virgin Coconut Oil Alone

  • Put a tablespoon of solid or semisolid coconut oil in your mouth and let it melt or
  • Heat up the coconut oil slightly to bring it to liquid state
  • Drink a tablespoon

You can increase the quantity gradually if that helps.

2. Coconut Oil in Breakfast

If you have chronic constipation then do the following in your daily breakfast

Add a tablespoon to your

  • Oatmeal or
  • Smoothie or
  • Juice or
  • Tea/coffee


3. Castor oil and Coconut Oil

Castor oil is a proven laxative. You can mix coconut oil with it to make it more palatable.

  • Mix one teaspoon each of coconut oil and castor oil well
  • Add to one glass of fruit juice of your choice
  • Mix well and drink.

These oils work fast, so most of the coconut oil remedies are used during the day unlike other laxatives that you have to take before bedtime.

Constipation Remedies Other than Coconut oil

There are a number of other foods that can relieve your constipation. Some of the common are listed below

Tips and Other Precautions

You may not have to do anything for an occasional constipation. It happens and goes away on its own.

If it doesn't then you can use coconut oil or other natural remedies mentioned above.

But if you have chronic constipation then you will have to do the following to get relief

  • Exercise for at least 30 minutes daily
  • Eat more fibre rich foods such as fruits and vegetables (1)
  • Drink lots of water
  • Sleep well and long enough every night
  • Learn to manage your stress

Check with your doctor if you believe that there may be an underlying cause not related to lifestyle disorder. Early treatment of those conditions may not only relieve constipation but can also be life saving.