coconut oil for ringworm

How to Use Coconut Oil to Treat Ringworm

Ringworm or tinea is a contagious fungal infection on the outer layer of your skin. It forms a red color rash in a circular manner.

You can easily get rid of the ringworm rash with coconut oil and many other natural antifungal home remedies.

Table of Contents

What is Ringworm?

It is interesting to note that there are no worms in the ringworm. The rash begins in a circular form so the name. Medically ringworm is known as tinea and depending on which part of your body it is formed it is identified as under:

  • Tinea corporis - on the skin
  • Tinea capitis - on the scalp
  • Tinea barbae - on the beared
  • Tinea manuum - on the hands
  • Tinea unguium - on the fingernails and toenails
  • Tinea cruris or jock itch - on the groin
  • Tinea pedis or athlete's foot - on the feet

Ringworm is generally a red circular ring rash but inside the ring it can have normal skin tone or a red center. The skin patches generally have defined raised edges. However, in some cases of ringworm you may just have bumpy red patches.


Since there are other skin conditions such as spider bites, nummular eczema and Lyme disease which show similar rash. Therefore it is important to find the difference before treating it.

Ringworm can be healed with home remedies but infections like lyme disease are more severe infections. You will require medical intervention in such cases.

Anyway, our focus in this article is on ringworm. So, let us understand why Coconut oil is suitable to get rid of it.

How Coconut Oil Treats Ringworm?

Coconut oil has been used for various infections and injuries as an alternate remedy since olden times.

It can be consumed internally and applied topically on skin, hair and nails to get the benefits it offers. It is also widely used in cooking.

Coconut oil is applied topically on the skin to get rid of ringworms. Therefore, we will ignore all the benefits of its internal consumption and stay focused on topical use on the skin.

Coconut is

  • Antifungal
  • Anti inflammatory
  • Antioxidant
  • Lubricant to skin
  • Moisturizer

All the above properties of coconut oil and in particular its antifungal capabilities helps to treat ringworm.

Coconut oil also moisturizers your skin and reduces the skin irritation and itchiness.

How to Use Coconut Oil for Healing Ringworm?

You can use coconut oil alone or along with many other natural antifungal products to get relief from the symptoms as well as to get rid of ringworm.

We will look at 3 simple and effective remedies.

1. Coconut Oil

You do not do anything else then coconut all alone will be very effective on your ringworm patches.

  • Monsoon affected skin with mild soap and slightly warm water
  • Dab it dry with a tissue paper and throw the tissue
  • Apply coconut oil with a cotton swab and throw the swab away
  • Do it 2-3 times daily

2. Coconut Oil and Turmeric Powder

Turmeric is also antifungal and is also an excellent remedy for ringworm on its own. It is easy to apply turmeric with coconut oil and the combination is more effective.

  • Wash clean and dab dry your ringworm affected skin with soap and water or with antiseptic liquid
  • Mix a pinch of turmeric in ½ teaspoon of coconut oil to make thin paste
  • Apply with cotton ball in on the affected area.
  • Do it 2-3 times daily.

Turmeric can pigment your clothes so be careful.


3. Coconut oil with Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is one of the most effective essential oil on any kind of fungal infection on your body.

  • Wash and dry your ringworm affected skin
  • Add 1-2 drops of tea tree oil in ½ teaspoon of coconut oil
  • Mix well
  • Apply on ringworm with qtip
  • Apply 2-3 times daily

If you prefer you can use any of the above methods just before going to the bed and leave it overnight before rinsing it off in the morning.

Other Non Coconut Oil Based Treatments for Ringworms

There are a number of other natural products which can be used to treat ringworm. Some of them are listed below.

  • Aloe vera
  • Licorice powder
  • Grapefruit seed extract
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Tea tree oil
  • Oregano oil
  • Myrrh essential oil
  • Lavender oil
  • Lemongrass oil
  • Olive leaf extract
  • Garlic
  • Honey
  • Colloidal silver
  • Neem leaf extract

Tips and Precautions

While home remedies like coconut oil really work well on ringworm, it will be more effective if you take the following precautions:

  • Wash your skin regularly with soap and warm water to keep the affected affected area clean before applying coconut oil.
  • Avoid sharing towels and other personal effects of the infected person
  • Stay away from close contact with your pets if they have ringworm. Treat their ringworm
  • Avoid scratching ringworm if you have them otherwise you will spread them in your body

Ringworm is just an infection of the outer layer of the skin and it never goes below that level, so it is not a severe threat. Home remedies normally can cure it. However if it does not go away within one to two weeks or it progresses and spreads then always consult your doctor. You may require prescribed medication.