No One Gets Allergies, when all Dust Mites are removed from Home
Dust mites can be anywhere in your house from mattresses carpets to curtains and upholstery. They are small microscopic spiders thrive in warm and humid conditions. You just can’t see dust mites without a microscope.
Who knows they might be crawling over your clothes and body right now. These tiny and invisible creatures flourish on dead skin.
Though the dust mites can directly be harmless, they can produce allergic reactions such as skin rashes, itching, sneezing, watery eyes and chest congestion. In addition they tend to aggravate asthma and eczema symptoms in certain cases.
A protein called DER p1 is excreted by dust mites that causes allergic reactions in humans. Dust mites have a short life span of 2 to 3 weeks. Females live longer than males and can lay up to 100 eggs. This exponential growth can really impact your daily well-being, so learn to get rid of dust mites and keep your house clean to live healthy and happy.
Symptoms of Dust Mite Allergy
The symptoms can be mild to severe, Occasional to chronic or simply allergic to asthmatic. It can range from simply a runny nose and watery eyes to chronic sneezing, cough and chest congestion to wheezing and breathing difficulties.
Most of these symptoms are caused by inflammation of the nasal passage. Post Nasal drip, nasal congestion, Cough, sleeplessness, and swollen skin under the eyes are some very typical of dust mite allergy.
Other severe symptoms may include worsening of eczema if you already have it. Asthma symptoms such as difficulty in breathing and wheezing are also felt in severe conditions of dust mite allergy.
How do You get Dust Mite Allergy?
Dust mites absorb water atmospheric humidity and eat dead skin to survive. They just need the right conditions of temperature above 21C and relative humidity above 70 to thrive.
Allergies are a body’s immune system reaction to foreign bodies invading. It is done by the immune system producing antibodies to combat the allergens which may or may not be harmful. In case of dust mites the production of antibodies affects the nasal passage and chest causing inflammation.
The prolonged and chronic inflammation can cause symptoms of asthma.
You are more susceptible to dust mite allergy in your childhood or teens, particularly if you have a family history of dust mite allergy. If you are also exposed to heavy levels of dust mites then you can develop this allergy even in adult stages.
Keeping your house clean of dust mites is the best ways to protect yourself from Dust mite allergy. If your symptoms don’t disappear then you must see a doctor.
Ways to prevent and Eliminate Dust Mites
Prevention is better than cure. Main breeding ground for dust mites is your bed. Cover your mattress and pillow with dust proof covers. Wash all your bedding and blankets in hot water every week. Non washable bedding should be frozen to kill a dust mite which is complex and cumbersome process. This pushes you to keep your bedding washable.
You might not like it but remove wall to wall carpet and replace it with linoleum, wood, tiles or marbles depending on your taste and affordability.
Dust mites thrive in humid conditions so maintain relative humidity below 50% with the help of air conditioners and humidifiers.
Use a vacuum cleaner that doesn't allow allergens to pass through its exhaust and wear a mask while vacuum cleaning. Also don’t mop the flooring with dry mop always mop it with damp mop to kill dust mites.
Cleaning is the mantra for keeping the dust mites away to harm you in any way. You really can’t get rid of all the dust mites but you can reduce them to a level that helps you to live allergy free.
Regular cleaning of every nook and corner of your house is important therefore bigger the house bigger is the challenge.
Learn more about allergies in other related articles