lemon ginger tea benefits

9 Health Benefits of Ginger Lemon Tea

If you try lemon ginger tea, you will love it. In fact you can enjoy this tea every morning throughout the year as it offers multiple health benefits besides being very refreshing.

The foremost benefit of lemon ginger tea is its ability to boost the immune system. This means you will develop high capabilities to fight infections. You will not easily fall sick and stay healthy in periods when most other people with low immunity succumb to viral and bacterial infections. We will also discuss a range of other health benefits, but let us first look at the nutrition they offer.

Lemon Ginger

What Do Lemon and Ginger Offer Individually for Your Health ?


Lemon, a very popular citrus fruit is rich in Vitamin C and also contains iron, potassium and magnesium to partially meet your electrolytes requirements. It also has Vitamin B6

Ginger comes from a flowering plant whose rhizome or roots are popularly known as ginger. It contains important minerals such as potassium and magnesium and vitamin C and Vitamin B6. It also contains gingerol, a compound that offers medicinal properties.


Benefits of Lemon Ginger Tea

Now let us look at the multiple health benefits that the tea made out of lemon and ginger offers.

1. Boosts Immunity

Lemon with high Vitamin C content is the main promoter of boosting your immunity.

Both ginger and lemon have capabilities to fight Inflammations and infections.

If you drink lemon ginger tea regularly during the winter season then your chances of getting hit by cold and flu viruses significantly reduce.

2. Prevents Nausea and Vomiting

There are a number of conditions such as pregnancy, menopause, sea sickness, chemotherapy and scores of other minor conditions that can cause nausea and vomiting sensation.

Take a few sips of lemon ginger tea and your symptoms if nausea and vomiting will subside. The power mainly comes from ginger which not only reduces nausea and vomiting but also improves indigestion, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal problems.

3. Balances pH

The other impact of lemon ginger tea is it reduces craving for sugar. This is a huge benefit from many angles.

Lemon though acidic in nature promotes alkalinity in the body. That helps balance the pH of the body which generally gets acidic due to poor eating habits.


4. Improves Heart Health

Both lemon and ginger improve blood circulation. This prevents hardening of arteries and blood clots.

Ginger not only is anti-inflammatory but also hypotensive and reduces lipids. Vitamin C in both lemon and ginger help to reduce blood clotting.

The overall impact is improved heart health.

5. Boosts Cognitive Functioning

Lemon and ginger both Improve concentration by soothing nerves and improving mood. The antioxidants in both reduce oxidative stresses. All these elements improve cognitive functioning.

6. Rejuvenates Skin

If your immunity improves, your heart conditions are better and your cognitive abilities are good, then your skin and hair will improve.

With a high amount of minerals and vitamins and other nutrients and antioxidants, you are ready to make your skin glowing and look younger.

7. Promotes Hair Growth

All skin benefits are also gained by your scalp. That is why it also improves the quality of your hair as well as promotes hair growth.

So, begin drinking lemon ginger tea every day.

8. Reduces Weight

Ginger and lemon combination is great for weight reduction. Ginger promotes satiety. This means you will not feel hungry often. You will eat less by default.

On the other hand lemon increases insulin resistance as well as reduces fat.

All these effects together help you to lose weight and stay trim.

9. Soothes Pain and Inflammation

The anti-inflammatory capabilities offered by gingerol in ginger helps to reduce inflammation and pain. Drink a cup of lemon ginger tea every day to reduce pain as well as improve your overall health.


How to Prepare Lemon Ginger Tea

lemon ginger tea infographic

It is very easy to make lemon ginger tea


  • 1 inch of peeled ginger root
  • ½ lemon


  • Cut the peeled ginger in small slices or grate it in small shreds
  • Pour 1 and half cup of water in a heating pot or a saucepan and put it on a burner
  • Toss the ginger pieces in the water and let it boil
  • Reduce the heat and let it simmer for 5 minutes
  • Strain it in a cup
  • Let it cool to palatable temperatures
  • Add juice if half lemon and stir it well

Your lemon ginger tea is ready to drink. Relax and enjoy every sip. You can add a teaspoon of honey if you prefer. Honey is antimicrobial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory. It only add taste to the lemon ginger tea but also boosts health benefits.


Precautions and Other Tips

Both lemon and honey are healthy substances. However excess consumption can cause minor complications in some people. You may feel

  • Heartburn sensation
  • Stomach upset
  • Dehydration
  • Dry throat

It is rare but some people may have an allergy to ginger. In such cases you should consult a doctor.