Timing of ovulation is one of the most important factors to get pregnant fast. There are many other factors that will help you to increase probabilities if you plan them systematically synchronizing with the ovulation timings.
Most women are working hard to not get pregnant due to various reasons, but the top among them is that they are not yet ready to handle a child. That is fine , but when you make the transition from the no child policy to decide to conceive a baby then you can do a lot of a lot to get your baby in the world.
Get checked if both you and your partner are healthy in every way. Once it is confirmed that you can conceive normally then it is just a matter of time. The first and foremost is to get rid of anxiety, if any about the pregnancy. It will happen.
Some couples want to have a baby during a particular time of the year. With good planning any healthy couple can easily achieve that objective. So if you are a healthy couple than you can easily get pregnant at the time you want. Following will help you to conceive at your will.
1. Get a Complete Medical Checkup
Both you and your partner meet your healthcare consultant and ensure that both of you are healthy. If there are any minor issues then sort them out before planning to conceive. Your health will decide the health of your baby. A healthy baby is more important than your timings. While you can achieve both the objectives, preference still should remain towards a healthy baby.
2. Stay Healthy
Diet and exercise are the main indicator of your overall health. You must eat nutritious food and exercise regularly to maintain a healthy weight.
Your diet will have a significant impact on the health of your pregnancy and your baby. So limit your junk food intake, avoid alcohol and limit caffeine.If you can completely give up caffeine then do so. Caffeine impacts fertility.
Make sure that you eat a nutritious diet including a good balance of fiber, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Eat more green leafy vegetables to increase folic acid levels. Iron deficiency can have adverse impact on fertility.
3. Keep a check on Ovulation Timings
If you are normally ovulating regularly, then great. if your ovulation cycle is inconsistent, then check with your doctor. Knowledge of ovulation timing is very important to conceive. An egg has only 24 hours of life to get pregnant.
Healthy sperm can live from 3 days to 7 days. Millions of sperm keep moving towards the egg for one sperm to succeed.
This make a very simple equation for getting pregnant if you have sex near ovulation time.
4. Timing for Intercourse
Knowing the ovulation timings, it then rests on timings of intercourse. If you have intercourse every alternate day from one week before the expected ovulation time, then you may have a very high chance of conceiving.
Remember mating before or on the day of ovulation will make you pregnant. Any sperm entering a woman's body after the ovulation will not be productive as there is no egg to conceive.
Just enjoy your regular intercourse without any anxiety. Fertility is a natural process when the egg and sperm are both healthy.
5. Improve Sperm count
This is where the man has to work. There are a lot of habits and health conditions that reduce sperm count or even affects the quality of sperm. Therefore it is important for the man to also be healthy.
Obesity lowers sperm count. So ensure that the man maintains a healthy weight. If obese then exercise and reduce weight.
Alcohol, recreational drugs and caffeine also reduces sperm count. So stay away from these habits. Even tobacco lowers sperm count. So stop active and passive smoke and any other use of tobacco consumption.
Maintain a healthy diet with specific attention to zinc, calcium and iron rich diet. get more vitamin C and D. Spend some time outdoors to get a good dose of vitamin D.
If you take care of all the above points, then you will get pregnant fast and produce a healthy child.