Clay for clogged pores

How to Get Rid of Clogged Pores

Dead skin cells, oil, dirt and many other impurities can clog your facial pores. This can lead to blackheads and acne.

Even if you do not develop these nasty bumps on your face, your face will look dull due to clogged pores. Your face reflects your personality, it is your beauty expression; keep your face clean and fresh looking all the time.

In fact, you have to maintain a daily routine of cleaning your face of all the impurities that can clog your pores. You can easily get rid of your clogged facial pores at home with minimum inconvenience, if you follow the instructions here.

No one likes any blemishes on their face. It is a little bit of lethargy and a bit of unawareness that clogs the pour. Drug stores are filled up with hundreds of skin care products.

These chemicals do not suit everyone. Some skins are more sensitive than others, therefore natural remedies are preferable to clear your clogged pores.


3 Simple Ways to Clear Clogged Pores

Objective here is to attack the root causes that are making your face dull and plugging the facial pores. You really don't need those potentially harmful chemicals to your sensitive skin.

Even if your skin is not sensitive you may still prefer natural products particularly if they do a great job of clearing all the dirt, debris, oils and other impurities out of your face.

1. Steam Your face

Steaming is perhaps one of the most underutilized techniques to clear your clogged pores. It is simple and easy to do it. You just need to spare 20 minutes to keep your face looking fresh and glowing.

Controlled steaming done at home is not only the most inexpensive ways to clear the dirt from you face and open the pores but is also one of the most effective ways to keep your pores open.

2. Sugar and Honey Scrub

You need to remove the dead skin from your face regularly to keep your pores open. Steaming will not achieve that objective, therefore you need to scrub it out of your face.

The best scrub is honey and sugar scrub. You can add a few drops of lemon to be more effective to clear your clogged pores. Direct application of lemon on the skin can be difficult for some skins but added lemon in the honey and sugar will enhance the performance of the scrub due to acidic and bleaching capabilities of lemon.

3. Clay Mask

Once a week use bentonite clay to mask your face. This mask not only will remove the debris from your clogged pores but will make your face look shiny and youthful.

In addition to these simple techniques, maintain a daily routine of good facial hygiene. Splash cold water frequently to your face throughout the day to keep it clean and fresh. If you are exposed to any chemicals or pollutants during the day then wash your face with mild soap to remove all the derbies that might have settled on your face.