Your skin constantly sheds millions of dead cells every day. These cells accumulate on the outer layer of your skin making you look darker and older. You should periodically remove dead cells particularly from your face and feet where they prominently get accumulated.
The extra layer of dead skin makes it difficult for the moisturizing agents to deeply penetrate the skin layers to keep your skin healthy and young. Though you may be taking a bath or shower on a daily basis or at least a few times every week, it is not sufficient to get rid of dead skin cells. You need to really gently scrub your skin to remove these dead cells.
The best way to remove the dead skin cells from your face and the rest of the body area such as elbows, knees and feet is to use natural remedies. There is no need for using harsh chemicals products, that may provide you immediate gratification but may be harmful in the long term for your skin.
In addition to the removal of dead skin, you also need to remove other dirt's and impurities that get settled on the skin.
If you have oily skin then the excess production if sebum will attract more impurities to settle on your skin causing infections and acne.
3 Effective Natural Scrubs for Dead Skin Cell Removal
You can use any one natural product from the dozens of natural products and their combinations as scrubs to exfoliate your skin and remove dead skin. The following three products are generally available in every kitchen so you may not have to put in extra effort to shop for them. They are natural so they don't harm your skin.
1. Oats for Dead Cell Removal of All Types of Skin
Oats us a great exfoliating agent. You really don't have to worry if your skin is normal, dry or oily. Oats will work equally well on all kinds of skin. You can apply oats or make a more effective scrub may add other ingredients such as honey and yogurt.
We will use honey, oats and yogurt scrub for facial dead skin removal.
Add oats, yogurt and honey into two is to two is to one ratio. You can use a table spoon to measure the ratios. ( 2 Tablespoons of Oats, 2 Tablespoons of Yogurt and one tablespoon of honey). Mix it well to make a thick paste. This should be sufficient for one application.
Apply the paste on your face in upward circular motion with pressure. This will remove all dead skin.
Keep rubbing gently for five minutes. Then keep it there for another five minutes. Rinse it off with warm water.
2. Coffee and Coconut oil for Facial Scrub
Coffee granules not only help to remove dead skin cells but they also help to nourish your skin to get you healthy skin.
Add 3 spoons of ground coffee and two tablespoons of coconut oil to make a thick paste. If required add more coconut oil.
Apply it on your face with upwards circular motion to make a thick layer on your face. Keep rubbing it gently on the face for 5 minutes.
Leave it on your face and rinse it off with water after 5 minutes.
3. Sugar and Olive Oil for Feet Scrubbing
Sugar is a superb exfoliate. It can be a little harsh on facial skin but it will work very well on your elbows, knees and feet. You can read about removing dead skin with sugar here.
The following method is for exfoliating dead skin from your feet and body.
Add two tablespoons of olive oil to two tablespoons of sugar granules to make a viscous paste. You can add a few drops of any essential oil for a nice smell.
Wash your feet with water and apply the sugar paste on your wet feet by rubbing with pressure. You will see the dead skin being removed. Keep doing it for 5-15 minutes until you see that the dead skin is completely removed.
Al the above scrub should be used only once or maximum twice a week to maintain good health of the skin. If you over do it then the skin may lose its suppleness and gets damaged.