If you are a woman you do not want hair on your visible skin area such as face, back, hands and legs. These unwanted hair grow due to hormonal imbalance in the body, menstrual cycle irregularities and by taking certain medications during pregnancy.
Since it is one of the most bothersome cosmetic concerns of women, many techniques have been developed such as waxing, electrolysis and laser hair removal to get rid of unwanted hair. Some of these techniques are exorbitantly expensive for many women.
You can use one or more of the many age old natural home remedies for permanent removal of unwanted hair from your face.
These techniques are natural and inexpensive without any adverse side effects.
Home Remedies to Remove Facial Hair
All the home remedies given here are very easy to follow. You will require patience for these remedies to work and show results, therefore do it diligently for longer periods before changing your mind if you have to.
1. Turmeric Powder and Chickpea Flour for Facial Hair Removal
Turmeric powder has so many health benefits because of its antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties.
2. Sugar Honey and Lemon Mix to Remove Unwanted Facial Hair
Sugar and honey with lemon make a very good wax like material at home. Add one tablespoon sugar and one teaspoon lemon to a teaspoon of honey. You can use this mixture on your legs and hands as wax and remove unwanted hair from those skin areas.
On the face you don't use this mixture as a wax. Massage your face with the mix to exfoliate. This will loosen the hair follicle and remove unwanted hair.
3. Raw Papaya to Get Rid of Unwanted Hair
The active enzyme papain in papaya inhibits hair growth. make a raw papaya paste. Add some turmeric powder for antiseptic properties. Massage you face with the mix of raw papaya and turmeric powder paste for about 15 minutes.
4. Egg Mask for Removal of Facial Hair
Egg mask is a sticky proposition. The protein rich egg white which is used for making the mask sticks to skin and dries out. When you remove the mask it removed the hair by shearing action.
5. Banana Oatmeal Scrub to remove Unwanted Hair
If your skin is dry than this banana oatmeal scrub will help in removing unwanted facial hair. Banana makes the skin smooth and supple and oatmeal does the job of exfoliating the dead skin. Over a period of time the hair follicle get affected and the unwanted hair are removed.