Almost 70% of women develop fibroids in the uterus during their lifetime. These uterine fibroids are non cancerous. They go unnoticed because they usually do not cause any symptoms. You can retard the development process by trying to shrink fibroids naturally. Most fibroids shrink over a period of time by their own.
If there is a pain or heavy bleeding then you should consult a doctor.
There was a time when fibroids were removed surgically. As the medical science begin to recognize the non cancerous nature of these uterine fibroids and understood that most of them shrink after menopause, the surgery has become the last resort of complicated cases only. Otherwise, most of the fibroids are left without any treatment.
Taking any medicines to shrink fibroids is also not recommended by doctors as the medicines have side effects.
Most of the home remedies also have not been tested vastly to arrive at statistically significant data to prove their effectiveness. The biggest advantage of these natural products is that they do not usually cause any side effects. At the same time they are beneficial for many other conditions.
Try These Remedies to Shrink Your Uterine Fibroids.
Fibroids are abnormal growths in a woman's uterus. Pregnancy, hormonal changes and overweight in addition to genetic predisposition are some of the known causes of uterine fibroids. They vary in sizes. Sometimes, fibroids become very large causing severe abdominal pain and heavy periods. In most cases, they cause symptoms at all.
Most fibroids develop in very small size during adolescence when hormonal changes are occurring in the body. They grow in size during pregnancy and above the age of 30 and shrink after menopause. During the entire cycle from developing to shrinking the uterine fibroids do not give pain in majority of cases. Therefore, knowing that you have fibroid is good, and do nothing about it is a wise decision. Most modern doctors will just keep a periodic watch on it. They will not be concerned or worried and ask you to also stop thinking and worrying about the fibroids.
In addition to wait and watch, you can try the following to expedite shrinking of uterine fibroids.
1. Green Tea
Green tea offers multiple health benefits including blood circulation. Smaller studies on the use of green tea to shrink fibroids have shown positive results. However, there are no major scientific studies available in public domains to conclusively prove the power of any food item to reduce the fibroid size.
Drink Green tea 3 times a day. It will help in pain reduction due to fibroids.
2. Milk
Consumption of milk and other dairy products have shown to reduce the tendency of fibroid development in higher risk group Afro American women, according to a Boston University Study published in 2009.
Add more milk and other products to your daily food habits.
3. Garlic
Garlic also offers multiple health benefits. Eat 3-4 cloves of garlic everyday. With its natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties it stops the growth of uterine fibroids. Garlic leaves bad odor in the mouth, but drinking milk after eating garlic reduces the odor. In case of fibroid this is a double benefit, because milk also helps fibroid growth as mentioned above.
4. Apple Cider Vinegar
It can reduce the pain due to fibroids. There are no scientific evidence to prove its effectiveness in stopping the growth of fibroids. You can dilute Apple Cider Vinegar in 1:6 to 1:10 ratio with water depending on your preference for the taste and drink it 3 times a day.
5. Castor Oil Massage
A gentle massage of castor oil on your abdomen can give you relief from fibroid pain.