Papaya for excessive burping

How to Stop Excessive Burping

These 5 simple home remedies will help you to get rid of the burping . Most of the time when you overeat or you eat certain foods that you eat forces you to burp.

The constant burping or excessive burping is very embarrassing. The main cause of burping is swallowing extra air during eating or drinking. Burping is common and it is not a sign of bad health. It is just an outcome of a bad eating pattern.

Changing your food and changing eating habits can help you to stop burping .

Burping can be voluntary or involuntary. Some people develop the habit of burping after every food intake. This may be OK if you're not causing inconvenience to others. Most people who do voluntary burping are unaware that others are noticing them burping. If it is acceptable to you it's okay.

However, involuntary burping is generally an embarrassment. Some home remedies or burping will help you to stop it.

5 Food Items to Stop Burping


What to stop eating, and how to prevent belching/burping is detailed in another article home remedies for belching . Here, we are going to focus on 5 specific food items that will help you to stop burping.

1. Yogurt

Yogurt with probiotic properties is a very powerful remedy to stop bloating and burping. The good bacteria in yogurt helps to balance out bad bacteria in the stomach. This helps in proper digestion; as a result less stomach gases are formed.

Burping happens due to excessive air intake while eating or drinking. Yogurt subsides this air in the digestion process so you do not burp.

Eat yogurt if you are constantly burping. 100 grams of plain live culture yogurt will do the job. You can also dilute the yogurt with water and drink it. If you develop a habit of eating 200gms of yogurt daily then you will have better digestion.

2. Lemon Juice and Baking Soda

A combination of lemon juice and baking soda is very helpful in reducing burping. The antibacterial capabilities of vitamin C rich lemon and alkaline nature of baking soda helps to subside gases in the stomach.

  • Add a tablespoon of lemon juice in a glass of cold water.
  • Add half teaspoon of baking soda
  • Drink it when bubbles start forming on the drinks.

2. Papaya

Papaya contains an enzyme called papain that helps digestion by breaking down molecules that cause you to burp. It is an excellent home remedy for burping.

  • Keep the Papaya fruit in deep freezer for some time
  • Cut 200grams of ripe papaya in small pieces.
  • Eat every piece slowly by chewing properly

This will immediately stop excessive burping.

4. Peppermint

Peppermint tea is another excellent remedy to reduce excessive burping. This will soothe your stomach and control excessive gases.

  • Wash and clean a couple of peppermint stems with leaves
  • Toss them into a cup of boiling water
  • Steep for 5 minutes
  • Strain and Cool it down to drinkable temperature
  • Sip it slowly and enjoy the tea

5. Cardamom

Burping or belching usually cause muscle spasm in the stomach. Cardamom stops that muscle spasm. You can make and drink cardamom tea to reduce stomach gases. You can add cardamom to any tea of your choice. We will use ginger tea as base. Ginger tea alone is also good to stop burping.

  • Peel and cut one inch of ginger root
  • Grate the peeled ginger root and put it in a cup of boiling water
  • Grind 3-4 cardamom with cover and add to the boiling water
  • Steep it for 5 minutes
  • Strain and let it cool before you drink

Remember burping is a preventable condition. Unlike other gases like bloating and flatulence, burping is produced due to extra air intake. Once you stop this extra intake of air during eating and drinking, you will not have burping. If the extra air intake through the mouth occurs then all the remedies that help to reduce stomach gases will also work to stop burping.