Sugar rich food

Ways to Curb Your Sugar Craving

One of the toughest urges to control for healthy living is sugar craving.

It is a desire of the brain to eat something sweet, not a body's need for food. Body is a slave of subconscious habits developed in the mind.

Women experience these cravings more often than men.

Those who are addicted to cola, chocolates, candies, or plain simple carbohydrates will crave sugar. They know the feeling. It is just impossible to avoid it.

Cravings must be curbed to stay fit and healthy.

Let's understand how you can stop sugar craving effectively?

1. Sleep Well

Various studies show that sleep deprivation causes food craving. Lack of enough sleep tires the brain and the body.

When you are under rested your brain sends signals to the body for fuel requirements, and the body goes for foods generally to get instant energy.

A study conducted by the researchers from University of Cape Town (1) found that when people got more sleep they experienced reduced desire for sweet and salty items.

So correct your habits to sleep well . This will not only stop your cravings for sugar but will also keep your weight and cardiovascular health in check.

2. Eat Healthy When Hungry?

Depending on your body requirement for energy you will feel hungry at certain intervals.

Your body needs food to stay energetic. You will have to meet the body's requirement for it.

You may get cravings for sugar while hungry. This means your brain is also adding it's requirement to your body's requirement.

You may end up hunting for food rich in carbohydrates. That will give instant rise in your sugar levels. Let us understand the cravings in detail.

Why do I crave Sugar So Much?

Cravings generally originate from blood sugar depletion below a safe level. When you ingest sugar it increases blood sugar levels. Your body releases insulin to lower it to safer levels. If insulin brings down the glucose levels too low then your body will crave for such foods that bring back the energy.

This happens often and is perfectly normal.

The trick is to not give in to sugar craving but to meet the requirement of hunger.

Eat healthy instead of carbohydrate rich food.

You can satiate your hunger with protein rich food such as lentils, eggs, fish and meat.

Your brain may not be happy as the craving may still linger on while hunger is over.

How Long Does it Take to Stop Craving Sugar

The symptoms of craving will gradually disappear within a couple of weeks. Longer you deprive the mind, the symptoms of craving begin to become weaker. Worst symptoms are experienced at certain times such as between the meals.

Once you meet your hunger requirements with healthy food, your mind will gradually accept the reality and stop craving.

Your commitment to stay on the track for consuming a healthy diet is the key to success.

What Happens if You Stop Eating Sugar?

Your body's normal requirement of glucose is met by you eating fruits, vegetables and other healthy items. Excessive sugar consumption can lead to weight gain. Cutting back on it helps in reducing weight. When you reduce it, stored fat in your body meets the needs helping weight loss.

3. Drink a Glass of Water

Drink a glass of water one sip at a time. Take your time to drink the full glass.

Water hydrates you. Most people drink less water daily than they should. This dehydrates them. Dehydration causes many symptoms including a false sense of hunger.

4. Chew a Stick of Gum

Chewing gum helps to release saliva that satiates your feeling of hunger.

This can be a good long term strategy to completely stop sugar craving. It works in two different ways.

According to a 2007 british study (2) chewing gum reduces calorie intake and curbs cravings. Though the daily reduction in calorie intake is small but it makes a big difference over time.

Another 2011 study (3)reveals chewing gum reduces anxiety, depression, fatigue and other mental conditions. These are some of the triggers for cravings.

Try chewing ums for a few days. Remember too much chewing gum can cause diarrhea.

5. Do Some Exercise

Exercise releases endorphins. This is a feel good chemical in your brain. Once you begin to feel good your urgent desire to eat anything reduces.

The best exercise is going for a brisk walk. If you like to run or even jog, it is much better.

Go to the gym, do push ups , squats, weight training.

Play sports, table tennis, badminton or any other indoor or outdoor game. This will keep your mind and body engaged in the sport activity.

All these external activities will also keep you away from the food so that you will not get tempted to grab it.

6. Take a Hot Shower

Hot water showers work for some people to curb sugar cravings. It is more of a mind game than a real cure.

The instant temptation is perhaps forgotten as you begin to enjoy a hot shower. Your mind temporarily drifts from the thought of eating something to the sensation of hot water touching your body.

Water should be hot enough to get a warm feeling but should be cold enough to not burn the skin.

Shower your upper body mainly the chest, back and shoulders. A 10 minutes shower is more than adequate as you will feel drowsy.

Whatever your trigger for craving was has gone by now and you may not feel any urge to eat.

Some More Useful Tips

Figure Out What Works for You

It is not easy to change habits. You know it logically what is right and wrong yet your brain may trick and you will indulge in sweats.

You need to experiment. Start small. Don't set ambitious goals. The best is to start eating fruits instead of carbs. Fruits will satiate some of your craving.

Switch to unsalted nuts such as walnuts, pistachios and almonds instead of high carb high fat processed and packaged snacks.

Bottom Line

Enjoy your food in moderation.

Every once in a while you may get into a situation where avoiding sugary snacks is not possible. Occasional indulging in junk food is not a problem.

But if you find yourself addicted, then think and change your food habits.

Don't give in to craving. Fight it. Slowly it will vanish.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What Deficiency Causes Sugar Cravings?

Minerals imbalance is one of the major causes. Deficiency of Magnesium which regulates glucose, insulin, and the neurotransmitter dopamine can cause intense cravings. Deficiency of Zinc which is also needed for proper insulin and glucose utilization can lead to sugar cravings.Other minerals to look for are chromium and calcium.

What Does It Mean When I Crave Sugar?

Cravings for foods high in sugar and fats makes it difficult to adhere to a healthy diet plan. A part of your brain that is responsible for memory, pleasure and reward causes all types of food cravings. In addition imbalance of hormones such as leptin and serotonin can also cause cravings.

Is Sugar Craving a Sign of Diabetes?

Craving sugar is not a symptom of diabetes(hyperglycemia) which reflects high blood glucose, but symptoms such as frequent urination, excessive thirst, fatigue, weight loss, and blurry vision are. In fact, it is the opposite, you long for sugary snacks to get back your blood sugar levels when they fall.