Chafing in the groin area is common among athletes and overweight people. If it is severe then chafing can make walking difficult. It gets worse with continuous sweating.
So if you face a burning sensation on your groin during a long workout then it is more likely chafing. Chafing can also occur under your arms, nipples, thigh or any other skin area where friction occurs between skin or between skin and clothing.
You can reduce the pain and burning caused by chafing in the ground area and other parts of skin with some simple yet effective home remedies. In addition you have to remove the cause of friction to get quick relief.
What Causes Chafing?
Chafing is a skin irritation that occurs when constant rubbing of skin against skin or skin against clothing occurred in any part of your body. Skin in the affected area becomes red and irritated. It causes pain.
Sweating and being overweight are the main causes of chafing. If you are an athlete, sports enthusiast or overweight and involved in strenuous physical activity in which sweating occurs then you are prone to get chafing.
Symptoms of Chafing
Chafing in the groin area of inner thighs can cause several symptoms. The symptoms may vary from person to person and complexities of inflammation. They include
- Skin inflammation and skin reddening
- Discoloration
- Rashes - may ooze pus in extreme cases
- Crust formations in advance stages
- Blisters
- Continuous irritation and inflammation
Treatment of Chafing
In extreme cases your doctor will recommend use of topical steroids. Otherwise treatment of chafing requires the following simple steps
- Stop activities that are causing chafing
- Change your clothes if they are the cause to more comfortable clothes.
- Apply soothing fragrance free oils, creams or balms
- Get fresh air
3 Home Remedies for Chafing in Groin Area
1. Aloe Vera
Glycoprotein in Aloe vera helps to reduce pain and inflammation.
- Apply fresh aloe vera gel on the affected are directly.
- Use a good brand of aloe vera gel if you don't have access to fresh aloe vera gel from the leaves or
- Spray aloe vera by mixing 1 teaspoon of aloe vera gel and a glass of water in a spray bottle.
2. Oatmeal
Have an oatmeal bath to treat chafing in the groin area and other parts of your body.
- Mix 2 cups of oatmeal in a bathtub with water. Cold or slightly warm water is good.
- Sock yourself in it for 30 minutes
- Rinse and dry yourself with water
- Do it daily
3. Cornstarch
Cornstarch is good to prevent and heal rashes. Apply it on the affected area 2-3 times daily.
How to Prevent Chafing in Groin
The friction causes chafing so you have to adapt to the following friction preventing practices to prevent chafing in the groin or inner thighs
- Stay Moisture Free - Moisture causes chafing. Keep the groin and other possible chafing area dry with paying dry the skin and applying talcum powder
- Lubricate - Petroleum jelly is one of the best and inexpensive ways to lubricate your skin. This is more helpful in your nipple chafing.
- Wear Loose Clothes - Don't wear tight clothes as the friction between cloth and skin can cause chafing.
- Avoid Synthetic clothes in warm weather - Synthetic cloths trap moisture which acts as a catalyst to chafing.
- Deodorants - Moisturizing deodorants prevent perspiration which helps in preventing chafing.
- Remove Wet Cloths - Whether your clothes are swimsuits or become wet by perspiration you should change them as wet cloths stick to the skin and promote chafing.
Other Tips and Precautions
Chafing can heal quickly if the activity that is causing it is stopped. It might take a day or two for you to get back to normal. However, if you can't stop the activities then take protective measures.
Following tips and precautions will help to deal with chafing in the groin and other parts of your body better.
- Use Ice or cold packs for pain relief. Pat the are dry after that.
- Do not use hot water as it further irritates the chafed skin
- Avoid using iodine or hydrogen peroxide on chaffed skin.
- Use mild soaps. Do not use harsh chemical based soaps.
- Don't rub the chafed skin. Pat it dry.
Chafing can break open the skin and expose it to germs. If bleeding and crusts are formed then show it to a doctor.