How to Use Olive Oil for Constipation Relief

Constipation affects all ages of people. If you have dry, hard or difficult to pass stools then you are constipated. Another consideration for constipation is if you have not passed stools for more than 3 days.

So it is alright if you do not have daily bowel movement as long as your stools are soft and do not exceed 3 days limit

Now that is all a generalization. A day more or less here and there shouldn't really matter. However, if you have hard or difficult to pass stools then you certainly have constipation even if your bowel moves daily.

So what do you do?

Well try olive oil! It can soften your stools and get rid of constipation.

Table of Contents

How Good is Olive Oil for Constipation Relief?

Olive oil is a traditional Mediterranean food item also used for medicinal purposes. It has mild laxative capabilities which makes it a good home remedy for constipation. A scientific study had found olive oil useful in relieving constipation even in specific case of dialysis patients.

Olive oil is anti-inflammatory. It offers multiple health benefits such as reducing the risks of

  • Diabetes
  • Heart Diseases
  • Cancers
  • Arthritis

There is a lot of scientific evidence that olive oil lowers cholesterol. It contains a high percentage of heart healthy monounsaturated fat.

It also helps in weight loss.

Olive oil stimulates production of peptides that support healthy digestion and nutrient absorption.

So, if you have constipation then try olive oil in your daily diet. It will not only soften your stools but also offer the above health benefits.


How to Use Olive Oil for Constipation?

If you look at your grocery shop, you will be confused by the range of varieties of olive Oils on the shelves.

You may wonder, which one is really good for getting constipation relief?

Most oil will do. Virgin olive oil are better.

You can drink it, massage with it or take enema to relieve your constipation.

1. Olive oil Alone

For chronic constipation

  • Take one tablespoon of constipation empty stomach in the morning
  • Take one in the night before going to the bed
  • Do it for a couple of weeks. Your constipation will go away

2. Olive oil and Yogurt

Sometimes bad bacteria in the intestine can cause constipation. Olive oil taken with yogurt helps

  • Add one tablespoon of olive oil in a cup of organic yogurt and mix well
  • Take it twice daily

3. Olive oil with Lemon

Mix juice juice of half a lemon to one tablespoon of olive oil
Consume it empty stomach in the morning
Repeat it before going to the bed


4. Naval Massage with Olive Oil

  • Take ¼ teaspoon of olive oil
  • Put it I to your baval and massage the area in circular motion
  • Do it 2-3 times daily

5. Enema with Olive oil

If you have the right equivalent and have learned how to take enema then do it, otherwise leave it medical practitioners.

  • Mix a tablespoon of olive oil in 3 mugs of warm water
  • Pour the mix in enema pump
  • Pump the solution into the colon through anus
  • Wait for sometime and visit the toilet when you feel the pressure.

If you do not know how to do it then this procedure is not for you. Try other methods of using olive oil for constipation.

Other oils for Constipation

Oils have been used for constipation since ancient times. Castor oil for constipation tops the list.

Castor oil works differently than other plant based oils. It helps to contract muscles in the intestine to stimulate the bowel movement.

Coconut oil for constipation is another good option to get relief. It is a mild laxative like olive oil.

There are many essential oils for constipation. Their functioning is completely different.

Other Tips for Olive Oil and Constipation

  • Store olive oil in dark bottle in dark place.
  • Don't ever overheat olive oil as its chemical composition changes, the heart healthy monounsaturated fats turns into unhealthy trans fats.
  • Do not reuse olive oil after heating once
  • Use other oils for stir frying and other high temp cooking.
  • Use Olive oil without heating to get best benefits. Sprinkle on salads or other foods.
  • Do not consume more than 2 tablespoons of olive oil per day.
  • Do not strain if you have constipation. It may put extra pressure on your heart
  • Do some exercise like walking to loosen up the intestine and stimulate bowel movement.
  • Drink water
  • Don't remain seated in one place for long hours
  • Eat fiber rich diet to prevent constipation.

Bottom Line is, if you are finding it hard to pass stools then you know how to use Olive oil and other methods to get relief. If your constipation doesn't go away from this or other home remedies then consult your doctor.