Peeling skin on fingers

How to Stop Peeling Skin on Fingers Near Nails

Skin peeling on fingertips is a very common problem. Skin around fingertips is sensitive and if you don't take proper care then there are many factors which can cause the skin to peel off.

In the cold climate the skin loses moisture, becomes dry and begin to flak, so don't let your skin becomes dry. Skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis, sunburn and skin infections can also cause peeling of skin around fingertips.

Allergies, diabetes and vitamin B deficiency, the use of harsh chemical and even frequent wasting of hands can cause peeling of fingertips skin. There are a number of natural home remedies that can repair your peeling of fingertip skin.

5 Ways to Stop Fingertips Peeling

Most of the time flaked skin peels off and is replaced by a new skin within a few days and the condition doesn't reappear; which means do nothing. Just wait and watch. But, if it doesn't go way on its own then you have to find the underlying cause of the skin peeling on fingertips and treat it.


Following are some of the generic ways to stop peeling fingertips.

stop peeling fingers infographic

1. Coconut Oil for Moisturizing the Skin

Coconut oil is an excellent remedy for fingertip peeling particularly when the peeling is due to dry skin. It moisturizes the skin.

In the cold weather conditions the sensitive skin under fingertips loses moisture, becomes dry and starts flaking. The use of coconut oil will arrest that condition.

In addition, the antifungal and antibacterial properties of coconut oil will help in dealing with skin flaking caused by infections of the fingertips.

Apply coconut oil on the affected fingers 2-3 times a day. You can use olive oil, Aloe Vera and any other natural moisturizing item to get the same effect.

2. Warm Water Soak for Stopping Peeling of Fingertips

Warm water increases blood flow in the fingertips. The blood rushing into the skin cells makes the skin strong. The new skin that is being developed inside the peeled skin will be stronger and will not peel.

So, if you have a tendency of skin peeling under the fingertips than make it a routine to soak your fingertips in warm water.


3. Cucumber to Soothe the Skin

Cucumber is very effective in soothing dry skin. Cut a cucumber in one inch thick slice. Rub it on your fingertips from both sides. Keep rubbing each fingertip for 2-3 minutes.

Leave it there for 10 minutes and then wash your fingertips in warm water. After washing your hands in warm water, soak your fingertips in warm water for 2-3 minutes to get the best and fast results. The new skin will not peel off from your fingertips.

4. Drink Water to Hydrate

Dehydration is the cause of many problems including dry skin, which is one of the causes of skin peeling on the fingertips. If your remain properly hydrated, then the skin peeling problem will be solved. Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily.

It is also important to avoid those drinks that dehydrate you such as caffeine and alcohol.

5. Diet

Most of the times, fingertip peeling skin is a symptom of deficiency of Vitamin B. Taking diet rich in vitamin B will cure the condition. Pork, red meat, poultry, milk and numerous vegetables and fruits contain varying amounts of Vitamin B.

You need to choose a diet regimen which increases your vitamin B intake. Fortified cereals and Soy products should become your daily diet.

You have a variety of options now. Use them all or selectively choose them to get rid of skin peeling on your fingertips. If the condition doesn't improve with these remedies then pay a visit to your doctor.