Your food can increase uric acid levels in your blood and the food you eat from now onward with awareness will control it. Food is the major contributor to the raised levels, therefore what to eat and what not to eat becomes your top priority to reduce uric acid levels(hyperuricemia).
Before we get into the home remedies to lower uric acid levels, let us first understand how exactly the uric acid crystals are formed.
Our kidneys which are supposed to excrete excess uric acid either can't function well or there is high production level of uric acid. In both cases the uric acid gets into the bloodstream. It can cause gout, kidney stones and renal failure. Ongoing scientific studies correlate high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases with high levels of uric acid.
Obesity, under active thyroid, certain metabolic conditions and diseases such as diabetes and cancer as well as the medicines taken to combat these conditions can contribute to raised uric acid levels.
Even exercising or fasting and dieting can temporarily increase uric acid levels.
Purine for years was considered the root cause of raised levels of uric acid, but not all purine containing foods are the same. Some of them are bad for uric acid, but others are neutral or even beneficial . Purine still is one of the key elements to avoid but you have to know which purine containing foods to avoid.
All foods that increase alkalinity will benefit in reducing uric acid levels. Therefore, all vegetables and fruits ( most of them) are good. They increase alkalinity and neutralize the impact of acid crystal formations.
Interestingly, some of the previously forbidden vegetables containing purine such as peas and beans and cauliflower and spinach in moderate quantities are considered good now because they create alkalinity in the body which stops production of uric acid. This alkalinity can even neutralize the already raised acid levels.
Following will help you to lower your uric acid levels.:
1. Drink a Lot of Water
Water improves kidney functioning. Most people are dehydrated at different degrees which not only raises uric acid levels but also can cause many other conditions of which dehydration itself is one of the biggest problems which impact the skin, other body organs and the life expectancy.
Drinking more water will dilute uric acid and the kidneys will be able to excrete it efficiently. Drink 8-10 glasses of water during the day. It almost means one glass every hour.
If you already have high levels of uric acid in your blood and sometimes get gout attacks, then drinking enough water will reduce the frequency of future gout attacks to almost zero over a period of time.
2. Increase Alkalinity in Your Body
Do everything that increases alkalinity in your body. Eat more vegetables. Almost all vegetables increase alkalinity.
Eat raw vegetables 4-5 times a day in small portions. Change your meal habits to accommodate the new high vegetable consumption routine.
You can add boiled peas and beans in your salads to add fullness, taste and alkalinity.
Since you will be drinking lots of water, add baking soda in your glass of water 3 times a day. Just half a teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of water is enough. Within two weeks of such practices, your uric acid levels will be lowered and perhaps get back to normal in some cases.
3. Avoid High Purine Containing Food Items
Meat contains high levels of purine. They should be in your banned food item list. You should stop consumption of Almost all kinds of animal food products, including poultry and fish with the exception of some fish. Replace them with plant based foods and proteins will come from beans and peas.
Low fat dairy products are OK, but high fat containing dairy products are also in the banned list.
If you have high uric acid levels then becoming vegetarian will help.
In addition to the above, reduce your weight for the body to function more efficiently avoid alcohol consumption. Replace it with tea and coffee.
Gout attack can be very painful. Cherries and blueberries help in reducing the pain due to uric acid crystals formation in the gout attack.