Corn Starch for Herpes

7 Natural Remedies for Herpes

Herpes is contagious and is caused by Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV). It is an infection that can directly be contracted through sex, kiss, and touch or even indirectly by sharing the personal items of the infected person.

Herpes which appears as red swollen liquid-filled blisters can appear near the eyes, face, mouth, lips buttocks, genitals, and areas around the genitals and can affect both men and women. The virus HSV is a dangerous virus that can cause brain infections, chickenpox, and even cancer.

Herpes can recur frequently during the year. Most of the time infection remains dormant and the outbreak can be sudden. The Herpes sores/blisters can be painful. Herpes has no permanent cure. Symptoms can be managed by many home remedies. These natural remedies for herpes, in many cases, can be more effective. They have no bad side effects as compared to over-the-counter medicines. ;

Try These 7 Easy-to-Follow Natural Remedies

7 Natural Home remedies for Herpes

The objective at home is to reduce the pain and heal the Herpes blisters and sores. Most of the following methods require the application of one or the other kitchen item or natural food on the herpes sores. Ensure that no one else gets infected by touching the affected area or the applicators you use to apply remedies to the sores.

1- Ice Cubes or ice packs

Natural Herpes Home remedies Ice Cubes


Numbing herpes sore or affected area with ice can help pain relief. Continuous application of ice can be inconvenient therefore intermittent dabbing of the sores can be an effective way to treat herpes with ice packs.

  • One of the simplest but effective ways is to rub ice cubes on the herpes blisters for 5-10 minutes. Take an ice cube and gently rub it over the affected area. If the ice is melting fast then take another ice cube and continue rubbing for the time given above. Make sure that you don't touch the herpes sores with your hands.
  • Another method and perhaps better method is to apply ice packs. Crush the ice cubes in a thick cotton wrap and dab it on the herpes sores for 5-10 minutes. Dispose of the cotton cloth after use ensuring no one touch it. This method though convenient requires additional precautions to stop infection to other people.
  • The application of ice on genitals should be for a shorter period to avoid any tissue damage.

You can repeat the method every couple of hours.

2- Baking soda

Apply baking soda also called soda bi- carbonate to the herpes-affected area to get pain reducing the itch and resulting pain. Following the application method will help.

  • Take some baking soda on a cotton ball and gently spread it over the herpes blisters. Dispose of the cotton balls safely. Don’t dip the cotton again in baking soda after use. Just take a new cotton ball for each application.
  • Once again you have to ensure that you don't touch herpes affected area with your fingers

Do this 2-3 times a day and one more time before going to bed.

3- Tea bags

Many people have found tea bags useful in Herpes outbreaks. This and all the other methods mentioned here are based on people’s experiences collected on the net. None of these methods have been scientifically assessed to measure their effectiveness.

  • Apply warm tea bags to the affected area for immediate relief. Once again be careful to avoid the spread of infection by touch while applying the bags.
  • This is particularly very handy when the herpes infection pain is difficult to bear. This application of teabags will relieve the pain within 10-15 minutes of application.
  • The tannin in the tea is antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral. Regular application may darken the skin patch in some cases.

Once the herpes pain subsides you no longer need to repeat this.

4- Aloe Vera

Natural Home Remedies for Herpes Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is used to treating many skin conditions as it is a very potent moisturizer. It soothes the itch of Herpes and improves the skin of the affected area with regular use.

  • It is better to take raw Aloe Vera Gel as compared to the commercial packs. Take Aloe Vera leaf. Remove the gel from the inside of the thick leaf by removing the outer. You can keep the gel in a glass container in the refrigerator for further use.
  • Simply apply the gel to the sores. You will feel immediate relief from the itch.

You can take an Aloe Vera plant from a nursery and multiply it by planting stems from the plant in your home garden for herpes and other skin conditions. Extract the gel from the core of a stem and keep it under refrigeration for later use.

5- Cornstarch

Cornstarch powder is also one of the very effective herpes treatments. It dries the affected area and keeps the itch under control. Most household kitchens generally have corn starch at home.

The application is very similar to the above-explained baking Soda. You can apply it 2-3 times a day and one more time before going to sleep.