There are many different ways to treat ADHD, both with medication and home remedies. However, not all treatments are effective for all people. Here are some home remedies for ADD and ADHD that actually work on children and adults.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common childhood disorder affecting millions of children between 4 and 17 years of age globally. The numbers are rising every year. It affects adults too.
If you or your child is affected by the disorder then it is better to use natural methods to get rid of it. You can use any of the following home remedies for ADHD for children and adults to become normal.
You just need to have the patience to get rid of the symptoms.
5 Useful Natural Home Remedies for ADHD for Children and Adults
It is unfortunate that parents of ADHD-affected children are not able to understand it. When the parents understand they can empathize with the children. This is the first step toward the process of treatment.
Home remedies for ADHD form one of the most important parts of this improvement process.
What is ADHD?
According to the Centers for Disease Control and PreventionADHD affects an estimated 6.4 million children in the united states.
Children affected are hyperactive. They have trouble focusing and can act without thinking.
Though they do understand what to do, they are unable to execute the instructions. This happens because they can’t pay attention to details and can’t sit still.
ADHD generally affects children. It can continue in their adulthood in some cases.
Symptoms of ADHD
Understand ADHD before trying any treatment. It is important to understand the difference between normal temporary behavioral problems and ADHD. So, a proper diagnosis is important before latching onto any solution. A child sometimes can get into aggressive childhood behaviors.
This kind of normal noisy behavior is not ADHD.
A child suffering from ADHD will show consistent symptoms. These behaviors can fall into one or more of the following three categories:
- Inability to maintain attention without distraction.
- Difficulties in doing or saying something due to impulsive nature
- Unable to control necessary physical activities due to their being restless
What Causes ADHD?
A lot of research has gone into finding out the causes of ADHD. It is the higher brain functioning area of the brain where the causes exist.
Brain forms complex neural networks in the executive function processes. These complex networks affect working memory, planning, and verbal regulation.
They affect motor control and self-monitoring. Maintaining and changing mindsets and emotional regulation is also very difficult.
This causes restlessness, impulsiveness, and inability to maintain attention.
ADHD is not the result of laziness, low intelligence, selfishness, or disobedience. It is also not because of poor motivation or poor upbringing.
None of these problems can cause chronic inattention, hypersensitivity, and impulsiveness. These are the core symptoms of ADHD.
ADHD runs in families. Another risk factor for ADHD is exposure to toxic substances in the developing fetus. This affects the development and functioning of the brain. Acquired brain injury due to trauma or disease is also a factor.
You can treat ADHD at home with relaxation techniques. Such home-based alternative methods of treatment are more effective than drugs. They generally have no side effects.
5 Home Remedies for ADHD
Parents should learn about the complexities of behaviors in their ADHD-affected children. This will help to empathize with the condition.
They will also not feel disturbed by the erratic behavior of their child. Following lifestyle changes and home remedies will help.
They will improve the general behavior of your child in the journey towards normalcy. Parents must help them navigate through this difficult journey.
1. Relaxation for ADHD
The ADHD-affected hyperactive child must relax to become normal. But he is unable to focus or follow instructions. So he can’t get into relax mode. It is a vicious cycle.
Build an excellent relationship with the child by understanding his liking and disliking. Understand what motivates children. Every child is different. So, understand the inspirations of individual children rather than making any general rule.
Build a plan and execute with patience. Perseverance will make it successful over a long period.
Yoga and meditation are very effective relaxation tools. It is very difficult for us to induce much of a daily routine. So for a child with ADHD to follow such activities will be even tougher.
The challenge is big but you want your child to relax. So, you have to work hard on it. The hardest part is to first win the trust of the child.
You will lose trust in an ADHD child if you punish him for his shortcomings. It is difficult to regain this trust. It takes more time and consistent efforts to get it back. But, you must win his trust before teaching him relaxation techniques in a playful manner.
This is what you need him to do. Your goal is to let him lie down on his back for 30 minutes. This is a tall order almost impossible to achieve in the beginning. He may not even do it for 30 seconds.
You have to also make sure that he breathes slowly. Faster breathing will not relax him. Make him do this for 30 seconds or so in the beginning.
Then extend the period with an interesting playful reward scheme to motivate him. You will do a great favor for your child. Make sure that the child enjoys the process.
You need to give him continuous instructions to breathe slowly.
It might take a year or more to reach this goal. If you remain committed, then you would have already made a subtle change in his ADHD condition. His focus span will increase in everything he does.
This builds discipline and order. His subconscious is not used to it because of his ADHD. It will improve the balance between disciplined activities and abrupt action over time. It will improve and tilt towards normalcy.
2. Exercise of ADHD
Exercise stimulates the brain with more oxygen. Hormones and chemicals released after exercise are the ones that an ADHD child lacks.
Encourage your child to do at least 30 minutes of exercise daily. They may include swimming, biking, running, or playing sports such as football.
3. Oil Massage for Calming Effect on ADHD Children
Oil massage gives a calming impact on the body and relaxes the brain. Give your child a massage daily before bedtime. It is very effective in most cases of ADHD.
Take any unrefined oil (coconut, olive, mustard, or any other oil. Massage on his entire body.
Tell an interesting story that maintains his curiosity. These bedtime stories and massage will help him develop focus. The massage calms him down and anticipation about what is next in the story keeps him focused.
Bringing the focus back is the first right step toward regaining normalcy for any ADHD patient.
Calmness and focus are the two most important things that an ADHD child needs. He doesn’t know what he needs but you as parents know very well that his mind must calm down and he should be able to focus.
In fact, you can repeat a story told him in the past and motivate him to take part in the storytelling. Let him feel sometimes that you forgot so that he can recall.
Remember, all the activities you do with your child will show the result over long periods. Developing a new habit takes time. It requires persistent acts over and over again for years.
It is almost like coaching an ordinary sportsman for years to make him a world-class sportsman. ADHD treatment requires persistence and patience.
4. Diet - What to eat and Avoid for ADHD
Besides relaxation, exercise, and massage, diet can play a major role in improving a child's ADHD.
Avoid fast foods, high sugar, and refined starch-containing food. This itself should within 4-8 weeks begin to show improvements.
5. Effective Herbs for ADHD
Regular use of many herbs improves alertness. Popular ones are ginkgo biloba, brahmi, Siberian ginseng, gotu kola, and green oats. There are no known side effects or fewer side effects. Prescribed medicines for ADHD have many side effects.
A combination of herbs, relaxation and massage, and diet control is very useful. It may reduce or even completely remove the necessities of using medicines in most cases.
Let your child feel love and nourishment. He will stay motivated while you help him with the above remedies. Earning his cooperation is a must.
Precautions During ADHD
ADHD is a childhood condition. It may or may not continue into adulthood. So, it is important to understand the implications of long-term medication. The family of the affected child generally doesn't want to go for long-term medical treatment due to
- Unknown side effects of medication
- Impact of medications on a child's thinking process
- Worries about a child becoming dependent on medication
- Concerns about legalities of certain drugs which are addictive drugs.
The parents of ADHD children should discuss all their concerns with professional doctors. They should also discuss their preference for alternative medications.
Above-home remedies have worked well in most cases. It takes time. Provide the right kind of environment for the child and focus on what foods to eat and what to avoid. It can go a long way in dealing with ADHD.
In conclusion, some home remedies for ADHD may include dietary changes, sleep routines, and supplements. However, it is important to speak with a doctor before trying any new treatments, as they may interact with existing medications. With the help of a medical professional, many people with ADHD can find successful treatments that work for them.