Armpit rash

7 Home Remedies for Armpit rash

You can Get Rid of Armpit Rashes with Simple Remedies

The discomfort of armpit rash can range from simply irritating in most cases to unbearable in a few exceptional cases.

We all can get these rashes at some time or the other as the dark area of the armpits can become moist to promote microbes to grow and cause rashes.

The armpit crashes can be bumpy and red, scaly and white or anywhere in between. Sometimes these rashes can disappear on their own and the other Times you will have to tree them to get rid of them.

There are a number of home remedies that can take care of different aspects of these rashes. Some will remove the rashes and others will reduce the itch, pain or odor.

Regular occurrences of armpit Rash can make the area dark. If you are a female and loves to wear sleeveless clothes then you would not like your armpits to be dark.

What are the Symptoms of Armpit Rash

If the armpit Rash is limited to the tropical skin condition of that area then you will get the following symptoms

  • Itching
  • Bruising
  • Tenderness and pain
  • Red bumps or white scale
  • Swelling
  • Bad odor


If the itch is very strong and you can't resist scratching then you might get bleeding leading to infections.

If the armpit rash is part of some other body wide issue such as a minor infection then you will get the following additional symptoms

  • Cough
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Joint pain and stiffness
  • Sore throat

If such symptoms are observed then you will have to treat the underlying cause of the problem to get rid of rashes on the armpit.

The symptoms of the rash can appear on the right hand or left hand armpit or both armpits. Sometimes symptoms may develop gradually but you may even see rashes developing all of a sudden.

Most of the time if symptoms appear suddenly then it generally is an allergic reaction and you will know what it is. It can be a deodorant, clothing or exposure to any other irritant.

So, let us look at the whole spectrum of the causes of these rashes.

What Causes Armpit Rash

There are a number of things and circumstances that can cause armpit rash. Sometimes you will know exactly what has caused it but in some cases you may have to get medical advice to figure out the cause of your armpit rash.

Most common causes of Armpit rashes are dermatitis or allergies such as

  • Atopic Dermatitis
  • Contact Dermatitis
  • Seborrheic Dermatitis
  • Eczema
  • Allergic reaction to industrial chemicals, rubber or latex
  • Reaction to metals such as copper wires
  • Inflammation of hair follicles after shaving
  • Allergies to insect bite
  • Allergic reaction of Poison Ivy or Oak
  • Food allergy

If you don't maintain proper hygiene then candida can grow causing rashes under the armpits.

There are many health conditions which can be responsible for your armpit rashes. Following are some of the most common ones.

  • Ringworm
  • Impetigo
  • Pityriasis rosea
  • Strep throat
  • Meningitis
  • Measles
  • Mumps
  • Rubella
  • Scarlet fever
  • Lyme disease
  • Shingles
  • Chicken pox
  • Acne

Extreme weather conditions as well as consumption of certain medicines can also cause these rashes.

Certain allergic reactions may require immediate medical attention, so be careful if you see sudden onset of Armpit rashes along with fever nausea, vomiting etc then must rush to the emergency room.

Home Remedies for Armpit Rash

armpit rash remedies infographic

Most armpit rashes are harmless in temporary and can be easily removed with home remedies.

Some rashes may have been caused by the underlying skin conditions such as dermatitis or allergic reactions. For that you can look at the following links to get rid of them

Seborrheic DermatitisRemedies-Natural Treatments
2 Natural Ways for Atopic Dermatitis Treatment
7 Ways to Treat Eczema Naturally
7 Home Remedies for Poison Ivy Rashes
Candida Overgrowth - Symptoms, Treatments and Home Remedies
Natural Remedies for Allergies
Home Remedies for Fungal Infection
Home Remedies for Prickly Heat Rashes

If you have allergic reactions to any medicine then ask your doctor to replace it with other medication that suits you.

Sometimes your deodorant can be the real cause of your rashes. Change your deodorant or stop using it completely. You can use a talcum powder in its place. The suitable talcum powder will absorb the moisture and get rid of the rashes.

Most of the other temporary cases of Armpit Rash the following natural remedies will do a very good job.

But before that some basic first aid:

  • Do not scratch - avoid the temptation to scratch the itch as it increase the risks of infections
  • Relax - don't get panic. Just relax and take required actions and home remedies. Panic leads to stress and stress increases tendency to scratch
    Take warm bath - this will reduce itching. Make sure that the water is warm, not hot.

1. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is an excellent remedy for armpit rashes. Apply gel from fresh aloe vera leaf it from a cream. Leave it for 15 minutes and wash it off with water.

2. Vitamin E Oil Massage

Apply a drop or two of vitamin E Oil on the affected area and gently massage.

3. Baking Soda

Backing soda reduces the itch. You can directly apply baking soda or make a solution in water and apply.

4. Ice Pack

Cold compress helps to reduce the itch immediately. Apply cold compress by ice pack for 5 minutes. You can also run ice cube directly on the rash.

5. Alum

Place alum powder directly on the affected area. Alum is antiseptic. It not only reduces the itch but protects the rash from turning into an infection.

6. Tea Tree Oil

Dilute tea tree oil in water and apply with cotton swab on the rash. Tea tree oil is antiseptic and antibacterial oil. It will give instant relief from the itching and pain.

7. Lemon Juice

Apply lemon juice by cotton swab or directly rub a lemon slice on the affected area. Lemon us natural deodorant and is also antibacterial.

In addition to the above remedies you need to ensure proper hygiene to prevent armpit rashes.

If your rashes do not disappear with the above remedies then you must consult a dermatologist to figure out the underlying cause of the rashes and follow suitable treatment.