A person with bipolar disorder may experience extreme high and extreme low moods. It is a depression mania. The mood swing cycles of this manic depression can last for days, weeks or months in certain people.
This mental disorder affects both men and women equally. The untreated condition affects the energy, thinking power and behavior of a person. Some complicated cases can even lead to suicidal tendencies.
A lot of recent research on this maniac disorder suggests that the conventional medicine is as bad as the alternative home remedies to treat bipolar depression, as the real causes of the disease are still not clear.
Although genetics and some kinds of deficiencies found to be behind this mental condition, there are many more unexplained causes of people suddenly developing bipolar disorder. Reactions to certain medications and food allergies and hypoglycemia have also been associated with mood swings.
5 Effective Home Remedies for Bipolar Depression
Following home remedies can help you to reduce the symptoms of bipolar disorder with or without your regular medication.
Always keep your doctor in the loop so that he/she can monitor your condition and recommend further action.
1. Licorice
Licorice is a great natural remedy to treat bipolar disorder problems effectively. It improves the chemical balance in the brain that treats depression and mood swings.
You can consume it in the form of tea. Make powder from licorice and store it for future use.
- Add teaspoon of licorice powder to a glass of water
- Boil the mixture for 10-15 minutes
- Strain and let it cool to palatable temperature
- Sip and enjoy.
2. Ginkgo Biloba
An extract taken from gingko tree, Ginkgo Biloba is antioxidant by nature. It improves blood flow to the brain, thereby improves your memory, reduces blood pressure and general well being.
These functioning, therefore, make it a very effective remedy for treatment of mental problems and disorders including bipolar disorders.
It reduces depression and mood swings by stabilizing your mental activities.
It is a long process to get relief from ginkgo biloba. You must take the herb for 3 months or more to see the effect.
Homeopathy doctors can monitor doses of this herb for better effect.
3. OMEGA 3
Omega-3, a very beneficial fatty acid found in certain seeds and fish can reduce symptoms of bipolar depression.
Omega-3 fatty acids helps in improving blood circulation to the brain. You can use the following two sources to consume Omega-3
- Flaxseed Oil- Flaxseed oil is rich in alpha-linolenic acid that is a kind of omega 3 fatty acids. It works very well with conventional medication to treat bipolar disorder.
- Fish Oil -Fish oil is extracted from salmon, herring, tuna, trout and mackerel to be very effective in treating bipolar disorder and will help in preventing the frequent mood swings due to its high Omega-3 content. Daily consumption of fish oil will help you reduce symptoms of bipolar disorder and reduce bouts of mood swings.
4. St. John’s Wort
St John’s Wort is very effective antidepressant. So if your condition of bipolar disorder is minor then this is your great remedy. ;At the same time if your condition of bipolar is severe, then this does exactly the opposite. It increases the mania.
If you are already taken antidepressant then it can also interfere and produces unwanted results. Therefore, this alternative medicine should never be taken without doctors consultation and monitoring under any circumstances.
So don’t pick up St John’s Wort from the herbal store on your own.
5. Massage
Anything that reduces stress will help reducing depression. Therefore, it will help in reducing symptoms of bipolar disorder. Get yourself regular massage as and when feel low. This will help a lot.
Living with bipolar disorder can become less difficult if you take an active part in your therapy. Knowing that you have bipolar disorder, you should take steps that help you. Your doctor is your best friend in these circumstances.