Allergic Rhinitis is your immune system's reaction to breathing or eating something you are allergic to. Breathing of dust, animal dander or pollen can cause allergic rhinitis.
Allergic rhinitis generally appear in families, but any one without a genetic history can also contact it.
Symptoms such as itchy nose, eyes, throat and skin, sneezing, runny nose or watery eyes will appear as soon as you contact allergic rhinitis. Later on these symptoms can develop into stuffy nose, coughing, sore throat, clogged ears, fatigue and headache.
The best remedy for allergic rhinitis is to stay away from the allergens. Easier said than done in most cases, but you can do it.
So you got it now. You need to get rid of it. There are many natural ways and home remedies for allergic rhinitis that will give you instant relief and faster recovery. In most cases you may not require any medical help, however, if you need to then you must consult a doctor.
Natural Remedies for Allergic Rhinitis
1. Steam Inhalation
Steam inhalation is one of the oldest natural ways to clear your nose, throat and sinuses. It is very effective too.
- Pour 500ml of boiling water into a bowl
- Do not add anything to the water. Simple plain water steam produces the best results
- Keep you face 6-8 inches above the bowel. Cover you head with a towel and lean over the bowl to cover the bowel also to trap the steam in the confined space within the towel covered area
- Inhale the steam slowly and deeply for 5-10 minutes.
- Remove your head out of towel for a few seconds and get back in, if you feel stuffed
Do it 3-4 times a day to clear your stuffy nose. If you begin steam inhalation as soon as you get the first signs of allergic rhinitis then you may not get into the stage of stuffy nose plus you will shorten your recovery period.
2. Salt Water Gargling
Salt water gargling will clear your throat affected by allergic rhinitis. This will clear your throat filled with the mucus.
- Add half a teaspoon of common salt in a warm glass of water
- Stir it well
- Sip about a tablespoon of salt water and swish it for 15-20 times and spit it
- Repeat it until the entire water is finished.
3. Ginger Tea
Ginger is a wonder herb with antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties all in one.
It will help in reducing the headache and irritation caused by allergic rhinitis.
- Crush an inch of washed and peeled ginger root
- Add it to a pot of boiling water ( 300ml water)
- Let it steep for 10 minutes
- Strain the water in a cup and let it cool to acceptable warm temperature
- Sip and enjoy
4. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar with its antibiotic and antihistamine capabilities becomes a very effective home remedy for allergic rhinitis. It can stop headaches, sneezing and nasal congestion. It also improves body's immunity.
You can drink diluted Apple Cider Vinegar in the ratio of 1:10 with water two or three times a day. Take one tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar in half a cup of water and sip it.
5. Oil Pulling
Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurveda method to deal with allergic rhinitis and many other nose and throat infections.
Virgin Coconut oil is the most suitable oil for oil pulling.
- Take one tablespoon of virgin coconut oil and put it in your mouth
- Swish the oil around your mouth in both clockwise and counterclockwise direction for as long as you can, but do it at-least 20-25 times.
- Spit the oil out and rinse you mouth with warm water.
It is best to do Oil pulling first thing in the morning before even brushing your teeth for the best results. During the period of allergic rhinitis you can do it 2-3 times a day. Thereafter, continue oil pulling in the morning for lifelong to maintain good oral hygiene.
There are many other natural ways to get relief from allergic rhinitis as under:
Lifestyle Changes for Allergic Rhinitis
One you have to stay away from allergens and two you have to make lifestyle changes in the way you eat and drink.
Lifestyle Changes
If your mother had suffered from allergic rhinitis, then you are also likely to get allergic rhinitis. If both your parents had it then you are certain to get it as it is genetic and runs in families. Allergic rhinitis is also known as hay fever, seasonal allergies and nasal allergy. It is body's reaction to fight the allergens.
We are looking at staying away from the allergens. You may notice some of the symptoms of allergic rhinitis immediately after getting in contact with allergens. These include itchy nose, throat or skin. You may begin sneezing and a runny nose. In some cases your eyes may become watery.
As the allergic rhinitis progresses, you will get one or more of the symptoms such as nasal congestion (stuffy nose), sore throat, coughing, clogged ears, puffy eyes, fatigue, headache and irritability. It is time to make some changes in lifestyle.
Eat and Drink Appropriately to Get Rid of Allergic Rhinitis
Like in most other conditions, allergic rhinitis also improves or deteriorate based on what you eat and drink. It is therefore important to understand what suits and what doesn't during the bouts of allergic rhinitis. Take the following precautions
1. Stay away from Allergens
It is common sense to stay away from allergens that are causing allergic rhinitis., yet some sometimes, it may not be possible due to the area you live in or work. Stay indoors as much as possible during the pollen season. Keep your house clean if you get dust or mold allergy. Stay away from those chemical fumes you would have inhaled.
You can wear masks if the pollutants or allergens can't be avoided due to logistics issues. Bottom line is - stay away from allergens.
2. Foods to Eat and Foods to Avoid
Nutrition play a vital role in overall health and well being. It becomes even more important during the time of sickness. Following foods should be consumed if you have allergic rhinitis.
- Dark Green and Leafy Vegetables - Such as Kale, Collards,Turnip greens,Swiss chard, Spinach, Mustard greens, Broccoli, Cabbage and Iceberg Lettuce.
- Deep Yellow and Orange Vegetables - Carrots, Sweet potatoes, Pumpkin, Butternut, acorn and summer squash, Corn, Orange and yellow peppers (capsicums) and Yellow beets. These highly nutrient bright colored vegetables contain flavonoids, lycopene, potassium, vitamin C and beta-carotene and zeaxanthin.
- Other Vegetables - Onions, garlic, ginger, cayenne and horseradish are natural healers. They improve body's immunity.
Following foods should be avoided for fast recovery from allergic rhinitis.
- Bananas and Citrus Fruits- Avoid these otherwise healthy fruits during allergic rhinitis as they increase coughing and nasal congestion.
- Sugary and Fatty Foods - Avoid sugar, peanuts, meats and all other sugary and fatty foods such as chocolates and candies
3. Drinks to Consume and Avoid
Certain drinks will increase nasal congestion, therefore they should be avoided and certain fluids help clearing the nose so they should be consumed more. Drink the following fluids in more quantities to get rid of allergic rhinitis.
- Water - Most of us are generally not adequately hydrated. That has an impact on body immunity. Recovering fast from any allergic condition requires you to be fully hydrated. So drink 8-10 glasses of water daily
- Fruit and vegetable Juices - In order to remain hydrated as well as get other nutrients to increase body's immunity drink vegetable juices such as spinach and carrot juices. Avoid Orange and other citrus juices.
Avoid the following drinks to recover fast from allergic rhinitis.
- Alcohol and Caffeinated Drinks - Avoid all kinds of alcohol, tea, coffee and other caffeinated drinks and replace them with water during the course of allergic rhinitis.
- Daily Products - All dairy products including milk, yogurt and cheese can be avoided until you are recovered from allergies.
If your allergic rhinitis doesn't get cured within a week, then you must visit your doctor.