
How to Get Rid of a Hangover

Too much alcohol consumption dehydrates you as alcohol is a diuretic. This not only causes annoying hangover, but in the long term it affects your brain and liver

Time and patience are the best cure for a hangover. Not drinking alcohol at all can perhaps be the best commonsense move to avoid a hangover, but that may not be workable for those who love to drink.

Anxiety, bad breath, fatigue, high heart rate, headache, nausea and stomach upset are the most common symptoms that follow excessive drinking. It just debilitates you. You just feel drained of all energy. There is no real cure but these home remedies can help you to reduce symptoms and make you feel normal fast.


Since dehydration is the most common symptoms, it makes sense to hydrate yourself quickly and frequently to become properly hydrated again. Drink a glass of water every half hour. You can add electrolyte to the water to regain some energy. Avoid all other drinks that may dehydrate you such as coffee and all kinds of carbonated drinks.

It is important to sleep well. Make the room completely dark, and if you prefer, play some soothing music. Good sleep will calm your brain as a result you will feel better.

In addition to the above two commonsense must do activities, the following will help you to reduce all your symptoms of hangover quickly.

1. Lemon with Salt and Honey

Make a tasty drink with lemon, salt and honey to attack hangover from three different angles at once. Lemon helps to get rid of dizziness and muscle pain, salt helps to retain water and honey helps in better metabolism. Club them together and you have a great recipe to combat hangover.

In a glass of cold water, add 1/4 teaspoon of table salt and half a teaspoon of honey. Mix it well. Your drink is ready. Sip it slowly. Drink it 3-4 times during the day.

2. Ginger

Ginger is the best bet against all sorts of nausea, vomiting and hangover symptoms. One of many health benefits of ginger is that it also soothes your stomach. There are many different ways you can consume ginger to get rid of hangover from excess alcohol consumption.

  • Chew finely cut slices of ginger - Make 1 mm thick slices of ginger and chew them every hour. This is the best method but some people may not like the taste. If you are one of them who wouldn't prefer to chew ginger then you can try the other methods of consuming ginger as explained in the next item.
  • Eat Dried Ginger Powder with Honey - Mix half spoon of dried ginger powder with half spoon of honey to make a thick paste. This tastes well. Put the paste in your mouth and let it melt and swallowed on its own slowly. Don't just gulp it at once.
  • Drink Ginger Tea - Boil finely cut slices from 1/2 an inch of ginger in a cup of water. Simmer it for 10 minutes and let it cool add half a teaspoon of honey. The tea is ready. Sip it slowly

Use one or a combination of the above ginger preparations and reduce hangover.

3. Banana

You lose lots of minerals during dehydration due to excess alcohol consumption. In fact losing the water and minerals is the main cause of your hangover. You have to replenish bot. Banana is rich in potassium. Banana also has fructose which helps you to regain energy. Banana also soothes your stomach. Eat a banana or make a banana smoothie and drink. You will feel relieved from the hangover.

4. Peppermint

Peppermint acts on your stomach to relieve your from nausea and vomiting symptoms of the hangover. It improves digestion and relieves tension. You can chew peppermint leaves or make peppermint tea and drink. Do it intermittently throughout the day.

5. Tomato Juice

Tomato juice is another powerful recipe for fighting a hangover. Tomato rich in Vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Make fresh juice of 4-5 healthy medium size tomato after removing the seeds. Add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of honey. Add pinch of table salt. Drink it to replenish minerals and energy lost due to excessive alcohol drinking causing hangover