If you decide to stop drinking alcohol for health reasons or otherwise, then stick to your decision. You can do it. Although, giving up alcoholism may appear to be impossible, but with your commitment and readiness to take help, you can achieve your objective to stop drinking.
You must know why you are stopping drinking. If it is just one emotional decision then it won't work. A conscious decision based on proper analysis of the disadvantages of you current alcoholism or alcohol abuse, will help you to remain committed to stop drinking.
Your mind has to accept the fact that you need to get rid of this habit. Once the conscious is alert, the subconscious which wants to drink will have some resistance. The subconscious may still win and you may drink brushing aside the logic. That is the power of subconscious and addiction to alcohol.
If you know that you are leaving alcohol because you lever is damaged, is affecting your relationships or for any other reason, then you will be able to fight the subconscious urge to drink more stronger.
Make Your Decision to Stop Drinking Public
Let everyone who matters in you life to know that you want to give up drinking. Tell them to discourage you from drinking. Give up the company of those who push you to drink.
Explain the people why you are giving up alcohol. This will create empathy in sensible people who love you and want you to be happy and healthy.
Remove the bar at home. If you can't get it when you want it, then you may feel frustrated but you are away from the temptation. This helps in reducing consumption.
Gradually Reduce Consumption of Alcohol
if you are giving up alcohol for health benefits, then gradually reducing the consumption is more sustainable. You can make a daily consumption chart in advance to guide you. Make sure you stick to it. Keep an alcohol free day in your weekly chart. Increase alcohol free days as you achieve one alcohol free day for 2-3 weeks.
Gradually increase from 1 alcohol free day per week to 2 and 3 and so on. Then go for alcohol free week and alcohol free month And alcohol free year and then alcohol free forever.
Reward yourself when you achieve a milestone with something that keeps you motivated. Your commitment and your loved ones support will go a long way in completely stopping alcohol consumption.
This kind of slowly giving up alcohol will not produce any severe alcohol withdrawal symptoms.
Be aware of Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms
If you were a heavy drinker, then giving up alcohol completely will produce severe withdrawal symptoms. You will require medical help. Take help.