Walking for arthritis

7 Natural Remedies for Arthritis

There are 100s of different variables of arthritis but the most common are Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis. Symptoms in all types are invariably the same, such as joint stiffness, pain, swelling and redness.

There are many simple remedies for arthritis for the joint pain relief and the ingredients are usually available in an average home kitchen.

Our daily activities of walking, running and playing for decades takes a toll on the bone joints. The cartilages, which act as cushions between bones joints, begin to tear off. Bone rubs on bones, causing damage to the bones. This is the beginning of one kind of arthritis called osteoarthritis.

Arthritis has no cure. However, many natural remedies for arthritis can be used for joint pain relief.

Osteoarthritis is generally age related and is a degenerative condition where as Rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune disease. All kinds of arthritis produce joint pain.

The first and foremost importance should be given to maintaining regular movements of the joints. This will help your joints function better for a long period of time. Walking, gardening and house cleaning etc. are good activities to maintain joint movement.

Another important aspect is to do regular movement exercises suitable for arthritis.

7 Home Remedies for Arthritis Pain Relief

Simple and Effective Home Remedies for Arthritis

Try some or all of the following different remedies to get relief from Arthritis. Some provide short term relief and others may take time to produce results. In either case keep your joints moving regularly.


1. Keep your joints Warm during Arthritis

Most arthritis suffered hate cold weather because the joints get stiff and pain during winters. People, who can afford migrate to warmer places during harsh winter season.

Warm conditions are better for the joints. You can create warmness around the joints in many different ways. A warm wrap will do a good job.

When it aches, wrap a scarf around your knees and elbows to keep these joints warm.Don't wrap it too tight. Put on a pair of stretch gloves. The warmth provided by the scarf and gloves eases the arthritis pain.

2. Warm Shower for Arthritis Pain Relief

Regular warm showers twice a day will ease the pain to a great extent. Take long, warm shower or bath in the morning. This will help ease the overnight stiffness in your joints due to lack of movements.

Another shower in the early evening will significantly help in pain reduction. Most people are lazy taking a bath but arthritis sufferers can't afford to ignore warm bath or shower. Just make it a habit. In fact it will easily become a new habit because the pain relief is a big motivator to cultivate the habit.

3. Sea salt water bath/swimming for Joint Mobility during Arthritis

Daily sea water bath or swimming provides significant arthritis relief. This particularly greatly helps shoulder joint pains.

Sea water is salty in taste because it contains alkaline compound. Out of many elements such as Sodium, Potassium and Magnesium etc in the salt water the Magnesium specially is very useful to reduce pain. So swimming in warm sea water is very beneficial.

It may not be possible for everyone to get access to the sea or during winter months the sea water may be cold so if sea water swimming is not possible then use Epsom salt soak for the joints. You can mix half cup of Epsom salt in a large bowl of warm water. Soak your paining joint in the bowl.

Fingers, wrist , elbow and feet can be directly soaked. But larger joints such as shoulder and knee can be soaked by wrapping warm Epsom Salt water soaked towels around the joints.

Taking magnesium supplement and eating magnesium rich diet full of leafy vegetables, lentils and legumes etc will also help.

There are many different ways in which you can keep your joints in regular movements to get arthritis pain relief. In addition you can consume different food items which help alleviate pain and avoid eating those food items that produces joint pain.

Keep Your Joints for Arthrisits Pain Releif

4.Potato Juice for Arthritis

Drink Potato juice empty stomach first thing in the morning daily. Juice can be made in two different ways. Take a mid size potato. Clean it with warm water. Don't peel the skin.Extract the juice and mix it with an equal amount of water and drink it immediately. Another method is to take a clean mid size potato with skin intact. Cut it into thin slices. Put these slices in a bowl of 200 ml water. Soak it overnight. remove the slices and drink the water first thing in the morning.

Potato has high Potassium content making it an alkaline diet. Arthritis patients must ensure their diets are alkaline in nature. Drinking Potato juice is a perfect solution and within a week of starting the juice therapy patient begins to feel relief.

5.Seeds of Alfalfa herb Tea for Arthritis Pain Relief

Add one teaspoon of Alfalfa seeds in one cup of water to prepare the tea. Strain and drink the tea three to four times a day for two weeks. There will be significant relief in Arthritis pain.

Alfalfa is a great pain reliever but it interferes with a lots of medicine. Therefore you must be carefully using this natural remedy particularly if you are taking blood thinners or steroids.

Rheumatoid arthritis patients who sometimes have to be on steroids treatment, must be extra careful. Don't take alfalfa without consulting your doctor.

6.Flax seed for Arthritis

Take one tablespoon of flax seeds three times a day for one month. You can add flax seeds to your cereals, muffins or bread or grind and mix with milk to drink it. Flax seeds due to its Omega 3 contents are very useful to treat primary Arthritis.

Flax seeds lubricates joints thus helps arthritis patients. Flax seeds have multiple benefits and is considered a wonder diet. Use of flax seeds has significantly used because of its benefits in the heart diseases and cancers.

Consume Flax seeds daily and not only relieve yourself from pain of arthritis but also remain overall healthy.

7.Cinnamon for Arthritis

Add one teaspoon of cinnamon powder to one tablespoon of honey. Slowly let it melt in your mouth every morning before breakfast. Do it for a month. The relief signs will be seen as soon as within a week.

You can also add the above mix in a warm cup of water and stir mix to make tea. Enjoy the warm cinnamon honey tea by taking small sips.

Arthritis is a painful condition. Your activities, food habits and general lifestyle must be readjusted to ensure minimum pain. Eating less acidic foods, maintaining regular joint movements are some of the habits which you have to develop. Without these changes your quality of life with arthritis will suffer.