3 Different Types of ADHD

In order to understand attention deficiency hyperactivity disorders (ADHD) better, its symptoms are classified in 3 Types of ADHD. Different kinds present different symptoms of ADHD of which some are less problematic to deal with and others are more complex.


Depending on the type of ADHD, the symptoms will differ in each child. In addition, as the child grows the type of ADHD may change and symptoms will also change.

There are two predominant signs of ADHD in kids. One is inattention or lack of concentration in anything they do and the other is hyperactivity or impulsiveness which doesn't allow them to sit still anywhere for long at any time.

The 3 types of ADHD are classified based on these symptoms and combination of both symptoms.

Following are 3 different Types of ADHD

  • Hyperactive
  • Inattention
  • Combined

1. Hyperactive Type of ADHD


Kids with this type of ADHD can't sit still in one place. They need to constantly move and get involved in some activity. They are generally very impulsive. They can't stop to think before they act.

Dealing with these children is very difficult as they can sap all your energy without getting tired.

These kids can be aggressive towards other kids and are accident prone. They can't follow rules and they overreact. They don't understand the inconveniences of their actions on others.

Most affected preschool kids can fall under this type of ADHD. You can easily spot them as they can't sit in one place for long as the other kids can.

With age these symptoms may change.

2. Inattention Type of ADHD

Kids who have this type of ADHD can't focus on anything for long. They lose attention quickly. They can be easily distracted.

They don't have hyperactivity issues. They can stay calm and can stay still in their place for long but simply can't remain attentive. Therefore, this condition is also known as attention Deficiency Disorder (ADD). The " H " of hyperactivity is removed here.

Since kids with ADD are not disruptive, their condition may remain unidentified for a long time. They may not be a trouble for others but they may be in trouble themselves because of lack of attention.

They appear daydreamer and shy. Learning anything is a very difficult process for them due to lack of attention.

3. Combined Type of ADHD

This is the most troublesome type of ADHD. The affected kid is hyperactive, impulsive as well as inattentive.

It is difficult to deal with such children. Most parents who are unaware of their children's ADHD can't really deal with them. Such children get a lot of ill-treatment from their unaware parents.

Lack of awareness of ADHD among parents is still a big problem. These children require different attention and social treatment than normal children..

If your child shows some or all of these symptoms of ADHD then learn to deal with them. Take professional help. If you don't like to put them on medication then try these home remedies for ADHD.

It is important to understand that your kid has ADHD. Once you understand that then you will be able to not only cope with the disruption they may cause but also help them to grow naturally like other children in their area of interest. Your challenges may range from tough to extremely difficult depending on the type of ADHD they are presenting.

Most kids begin to get into the mainstream as they grow old and get into their teens.