7 Easy Ways to Reduce Fluid Retention and Stop Feeling Bloated


Water Retention also called edema is a condition in which the body retains fluids that bloat your body. Water Retention can occur in different areas of your body but generally the fluid is retained in the cavities, body tissues and the circulation system.

Health Benefits of Strawberries


You might have been told from your childhood that sugar is bad for your teeth. It causes cavities and destroys your teeth. It is sometimes difficult to resist the temptations of eating sweet candies, ice creams, cookies and other sugary foods and beverages.

raisins good for teeth

Raisins Good for Teeth - They Stop Tooth Decay and Prevent Cavities

It sounds counter intuitive. How can raisins be good for teeth? Since it is a sugary sticky dry fruit, your subconscious will say that it should cause cavities. You are not alone here. This has been a long held perception by most parents. Even many dentists specifically recommend not to use raisins as snacks for children.

aloe vera gel for dry skin

Why Use Aloe Vera for Dry Skin?


Aloe vera has been used for various skin conditions for a long time. It is used to deal with cuts, bruises and other skin disorders. Aloe vera is also effective in dry skin conditions such as psoriasis. You can use it effectively on any skin type. Aloe vera is now being used in almost all cosmetics related to skin. It's medicinal values have not been restricted to skin conditions only, Aloe vera is also used to deal with various digestive disorders. Aloe vera drinks are now commercially available everywhere.

6 Banana Face Mask for Dry Skin


Whatever type of skin you have , the cold winter winds make your skin dry. And if you already have dry skin then you have to be extra careful in winter. You can also get dry skin due to certain medication, hypothyroidism and dehydration. When your skin gets dry it begins flaking and you get itching. Both men and women are equally affected. If you don't take care then it can lead to rashes, eczema and bacterial infections. The best way to deal with dry skin is to regularly use natural remedies such as bananas with other ingredients to keep it nourished and healthy.

5 Simple Ways of Using Apple Cider Vinegar for Arthritis Pain Relief


Arthritis can be debilitating for ease of your limb movements. It can cause chronic inflammation, pain and stiffness in the joints. Your fingers, hands, knees, elbows, hips, jaw and all other joints in the body can get affected by arthritis.

banana for acid reflux

Eat Bananas to Treat Acid Reflux and Reduce Heartburn


Banana is one food that can relieve you of Acid Reflux and many other health conditions. Acid reflux is a common digestive problem these days as people eat out more often.

6 Benefits of Activated Charcoal


Activated charcoal attracts chemicals and other toxins from the body and flush them out. This protects your body from absorbing those harmful toxins and keeps you healthy. Use activated charcoal for health and beauty as this natural remedy is also getting approvals of modern medicine.

How to Use Yogurt for Vaginal Yeast Infection


Vaginal Yeast Infection is caused by a fungus called candida which lives naturally on skin and inside your body. Candida or in other words yeast when overgrows for some reason causes yeast infection. You will get an itchy and burning sensation with a thick vaginal discharge indicating yeast infection. Every woman gets it once in a while. Pregnancy is one time when risks of yeast infection increases significantly as the hormonal balance changes. Home remedies like yogurt and honey come to rescue.

5 Ways to Use Almond Oil for Dark Circles Under the Eyes

Dark circle around your eyes is one of the last things you want to see on your face. They take away all the beauty of your eyes. In fact, the dark circles are formed because the sling around your eyes gets dehydrated faster than the rest of the face as it is too thin. Modern lifestyle in which timely deep sleep has become a luxury and environmental pollutants are the main causes for these blemishes.

Testicular Torsion Causes, Symptoms and Treatment


Do not ignore testicular Torsion which is a medical emergency. It is highly painful and you may lose the affected testicle if not treated on time.

reduce belly fat almonds

Almonds for Belly Fat Reduction and Weight Loss

Most tree nuts including Almonds are highly nutritious snack foods. You can replace your high carb snacks with almonds to not only reduce belly fat but also improve your overall cardiovascular health and get many other health benefits.

Why do You Sneeze?

When you sneeze the particles coming out from your nose can travel up to 2 feet according to a study. If you are suffering from a cold or flu then you can infect others. That is why it is a good idea to sneeze into tissue paper to prevent others around you getting infected.

Does Your Heart Stop for an Instant When You Sneeze?

When you sneeze lots of simultaneous activities take place in your body. Your eyes are closed and your lungs try to pop out. Your tongue presses against the roof of your mouth. Your breath is fast but what happens to your heart?

Testicular Lump - Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Testicular lump should be taken seriously. It is caused by injury or some other underlying medical condition. The lump can form on one or on both the testicles. Any boy or a man of any age can get lump on their testicles.

Coconut oil for oil pulling benefits

5 Benefits of Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is an ancient traditional Ayurvedic practice from India to remove bacteria from the mouth. You are required to swish oil inside your mouth to pull out bacteria from teeth and gums to kill them. Recently oil pulling has been given a very good PR, as a result more and more people are practicing it for maintaining better oral hygiene and gaining other health benefits.

deep breathing for high blood pressure

5 Deep Breathing Exercises to Lower Your Blood Pressure

High blood pressure puts you in the risks of developing heart diseases and stroke. It is one of the leading causes of death in the US and other developed worlds. So, if you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure then Learn to control it.

almonds for acid reflux

Is Almond Milk Good for Acid Reflux? If Yes, How does it Help?

Acid Reflux is a very common condition in which stomach acids start flowing back up into the food pipe. This causes a burning sensation known as heartburn around the lower chest area. Acid Reflux is also known as acid indigestion or pyrosis.

how to reverse diabetes

3 Steps to Reverse Diabetes Type 2 Naturally

Diabetes is one of the most damaging conditions of your body. All your vital organs slowly begin to deteriorate if it remains uncontrolled. It is worrying as incidences of the condition are increasing globally.

Ice cream is full of sugar

7 Health Benefits of Quitting Sugar

Quitting sugar is certainly beneficial to you. But, is it really easy to quit sugar forever. Well if we will power is week then it is almost impossible to achieve this goal. There will be huge enchanting withdrawal symptoms, your taste buds me like to rebel when you see your friends enjoying their food.

cabbage leaves for psoriasis

How to Use Cabbage and Its Leaves for Psoriasis

Can cabbage ease the symptoms of psoriasis? The simple answer is yes. It has been in use to reduce the pain, itch and scaliness caused by psoriasis since ancient times.

coconut oil for hair

Coconut Oil for Hair - Make Them Strong and Lustrous

Coconut oil now finds its usefulness in a wide ranging area from cooking to cancer protection. There was a time when coconut oil was considered a high fat item to avoid, but recent research work has indicated its multiple benefits. Hair benefits sit on the top of the list.

neem for acne treatment

How to Use Neem Leaves to Treat Acne

When you see the first acne on your face, you certainly don't like it. You don't want any more of them on the face. If you get more acne, you really want to get rid of them as soon as possible.

grapefruit seed extract for thrush

How to Use Grapefruit Seed Extract for Thrush

Oral thrush or simply thrush is a fungal infection (candida overgrowth) in a baby's mouth which can spread to mothers' nipples. It is very painful when the baby latches on to nurse.

Stretch marks on the stomach

How to Use Sugar to Get Rid of Stretch Marks

Stretch marks certainly make you ugly on your smooth skin. You may have either developed them by losing or gaining weight quickly. If you are a woman then pregnancy is an additional risk factor for developing stretch marks.


2 Different Types of Bronchitis

There are two types of bronchitis - acute bronchitis and chronic bronchitis. One is short lived and the other is chronic. Both these types stem from cough and cold , although other things also cause bronchitis.

garlic for tooth abscess

7 Ways to Use Garlic for Abscess Tooth

Abscess tooth is a very painful infection of gum or root of the tooth caused by severe tooth decay. Gingivitis, gum disease or trauma to the truth can also cause abscess teeth.


Barley Water (Tea) for Urinary Tract Infections

If you are a woman then your chances of getting urinary tract infection or UTI are much higher than the men. It is a frustratingly painful condition in which you will find discomfort in urinating and pain in the sides.

essential oils for hemorrhoids

Essential Oils for Hemorrhoids

Among the many other home remedies, essential oils for hemorrhoids have become more popular due to their effectiveness in reducing pain and fast healing.

essential oils for tinnitus

7 Essential Oils for Tinnitus

Essential oils on Their Own or in Combination Effectively Remove the Symptoms of Tinnitus. Tinnitus creates a perception of noise in your ears and is most commonly known as ringing in the ears.